The nuances of Gen Z and how to attract and retain the new generation

Igor Marinelli
2 min readDec 4, 2018

Younger generations are independent. Gen Z have grown up in a world where everything is customizable, through the click of a button, they can curate their preferences and mold their experiences. This, combined with the entrepreneurial spirit they bring into your organization, can make them a valuable asset, if mentored to their full potential.

As seen in some of our Tech Firm Leadership case studies, even speaking to ourselves, members of Gen Z are achievement-driven and don’t want someone telling them what to do. Rather than issuing orders, focus on mentoring. Help them work toward long-term goals through well-defined landmarks, but don’t take away the opportunity for creativity. Done well, setting goals in advance can turn goal progression into a game, allowing this generation to level up and achieve amazing things.

Whether your intention is to attract millennials or Gen Z, the process is the same. You are basing your message on attracting the best possible person for the position while looking for values and personality that fit with your culture. What will change is that millennials are now some of the most innovative leaders who will be engaging and developing the next generation. — Frances McIntosh, Intentional Coaching LLC

When it comes to give Gen Z worker a feedback, as you may already know from previous career experience, feedback can sometimes rub you the wrong way. It might be the content of the feedback, or you might be taking criticism personally, but it could also be because you and your colleague delivering feedback have different communication styles. What I suggest is to take time to learn how the person you’re working with prefers to receive feedback, and choose your notes accordingly. Gen Z are not fans of "sandwich feedbacks", Instead of prefacing constructive criticism with praise, dive into the feedback head-on, and follow it up with discussing how their strengths can be used to solve the problem.

