physiotherapy coursesHow Is Obesity Management Related to Physiotherapy?

2 min readMar 20, 2023


Weight gain or obesity is the major reason for increased health risks like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc in people and the current lifestyle is to be blamed for that. For example, many people today have jobs that require them to sit for a long period and this lack of physical activity contributes to gaining weight.

Physiotherapy is the perfect solution to this problem. It is also known as physical therapy, which mostly focuses on helping people recover from injuries, illnesses, and disabilities that affect their ability to move and function but then the question arises how can it help an obese person to manage their weight?

Some of the reasons why physiotherapy helps in managing weight:-

Providing Education

Education regarding a healthy lifestyle such as diet and exercise is very significant and the physiotherapist can provide their patient with this. Obesity and weight nutrition are closely related as a healthy diet is essential for maintaining a long-healthy weight but this diet also depends on the body and the environment the person lives in because of this it is better to take assistance from healthcare rather than doing it themselves.

Improving Mobility

Obesity can cause joint pain and reduce mobility. A physiotherapist can help improve mobility by developing an exercise program that strengthens the muscles around the joints which thereby reduces stress on the joints.

Addressing Muscle Imbalances

Another problem that can arise due to weight gain is muscle imbalance, which can lead to poor pasture and also increases the risk of injury. The therapy can assess muscle imbalances and develop a program according to them.

Now you know that obesity management is also a huge part of physiotherapy courses. As they help people by developing safe and effective exercise and balanced diet programs following their body type.



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