AI Manhattan Project Proposed. The US’ Suicide or Salvation?
Is AI A Nuclear-level Threat?
That’s how most people have felt after reading the annual report by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission. They conclude that the race to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence, or a ‘God AI’) is a matter of extreme National Security, a guarantee (or sentence) to the US global supremacy, similar to how nuclear bombs were treated decades ago.
Nonetheless, the program openly calls for a Manhattan Project-like program so that the US reaches AGI before China.
In other words, this report considers the development of AGI of similar strategic importance to the development of nuclear bombs.
But is the promise of building AGI indeed a matter of life and death for the US, and if so, is a Manhattan Project-like program a good idea or a national suicide?
You are probably sick of AI newsletters that simply report the news. That is easy, and anyone can do it, which is why there are so many and why you have grown to abhor them.
But explaining why it matters is another story. That requires knowledge, investigation, and deep thought… all attributes of…