Crypto’s most fascinating innovation is happening now

SoulBound Tokens are here, but there’s a twist you must know

Ignacio de Gregorio
7 min readSep 16, 2022
Photo by Gabriel Barletta on Unsplash

It’s the year 2030, and you have just received a tokenized version of a diploma from Harvard through the Ethereum blockchain, attesting you have completed their MBA Executive program. You have paid this diploma thanks to an undercollateralized loan you obtained through Compound, a DeFi protocol.

Seems like a distant dream, doesn’t it?

It is right now, at least with the actual state of Crypto.

But what if I told you that, in May this year, a revolutionary paper was presented introducing a new concept that would take the Crypto industry to the next level, and enable scenarios like the one mentioned?

You better start believing this because it’s coming; in fact, it’s already here.

With this innovation, Crypto is prepared to transcend from a speculation-fueled space into one that generates true value for society.

And it all stems from this particular new concept.

Now, finally, an initial version of this revolutionary innovation is launching as a product, being the first time this is actually implemented in Crypto.

