Grokking, a New Form of Reasoning

Ignacio de Gregorio
14 min readAug 13, 2024
Source: Author with GPT-4o

Here’s a bold statement for you: This article will make you more ‘AI smarter’ and, in the meantime, will shed light on the crude reality of frontier AI models today: they are pretty dumb.

You are probably tired of countless statements on how intelligent Large Language Models (LLMs) are, but it’s all an overblown fallacy. While they can be incredibly useful, they aren’t the smarty pants the news will tell you.

But a technique called grokking might change that more spectacularly by training small toy LLMs to be much smarter than frontier AI models that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to train.

But how is that possible?

Tired of pointless hype?

This piece, among many more weekly content, was first published in my newsletter, the place for AI Executives and Analysts who want to learn the truth behind the hype, spot trends, and take advantage of them.

Confusing Memorization with Reasoning

