Is one of Crypto’s biggest successes about to fail?

Crypto’s problems go far beyond FTX

Ignacio de Gregorio
6 min readNov 21, 2022
Photo by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash

One of the crown jewels of Crypto and, more specifically, DeFi, is crumbling in front of our very own eyes.

The founder, amid one last try to save it, has stated that he has almost given up on the concept.

Once celebrated as a triumph of democracy and handing governance to the people, now many fear that one of the projects that mostly defines Crypto’s raison d’être, is about to die.

A negative turn of events not only could be the evident disappearance of the concept, but it could also even put into question the feasibility of Crypto’s most renowned use case, DeFi.

Now, one last attempt by the founder with an uber-complex approach that no one else but him understands is the last stronghold before the biggest success of decentralized governance absolutely fails, putting into question the deepest beliefs embedded in the concept of Crypto.

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