Want to Know ChatGPT’s Future? Look no Further, Meet GILL

AI Chatbots Reach a New Milestone

Ignacio de Gregorio
9 min readJun 6, 2023
Source: Author in the style of Bernard Frize

Talking to an AI chatbot that generates impressive text like ChatGPT is really cool.

But talking to an AI chatbot that generates text AND images is way cooler… and an experience that ChatGPT doesn’t offer today.

GILL, Carnegie Mellon University’s new AI chatbot, does.

And you can see it with your own eyes below:

That’s GILL, the first AI chatbot that’s capable of understanding both images and text while also being capable of generating text and images.

And if being a first in the most innovative industry in the world isn’t enough, it also beats state-of-the-art models in truly unexpected ways.

Welcome to the new iteration of AI chatbots.

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