How to tell Korean with Kim-chi

Nacho Here
3 min readJan 11, 2023



Thanks to globalization Kim-chi is being consumed in many countries. However, only with this one question, you can tell if someone is Korean or not

“Can you name some types of Kim-chi?”

In fact, like pasta, Kim-chi comes in various types.

White Kimchi
Water Kim-chi 물김치
  1. Water Kim-chi(White Kim-Chi)

White Kim-chi is commonly served at the Korean Cuisine Table (한정식). It is a plain type of Kim-chi that contains less sauce. So better ingredients and better skills are needed to make high quality water-based Kim-chi.

Korean Table 한정식

White Kim-chi with more soup is categorized as water Kim-chi. Taste of the soup plays an important role in water Kim-chi.

2. Dong-chi-mi

Dong-chi-mi 동치미

Dong-chi-mi is another type of water-based Kimchi made with radish. And slight ice or “살얼음” is what it’s all about. Koreans love to drink this type of Kim-chi. And personally, I found out that this can be a savior when you suffer from a hangover.

Marinated rib 양념갈비

Dong-chi-mi clears your mouth with cool and sour soup. So it goes with marinated ribs or “양념갈비”.

3. Geot-jeo-ri(Facially Seasoned Kim-chi)

Geot-jeo-ri 겉절이

Can you say that a cup of fresh milk is yogurt? Likewise, genuine Kim-chi is only fermented one for Koreans. So, when you just made Kim-chi, it is assumed as the seasoned cabbages. That is Geot-jeo-ri and Koreans eat it when they Kim-jang.

Kim-Jang Culture

“Kimjang; Making and Sharing Kimchi in the Republic of Korea” is an intangible cultural heritage of mankind designated by UNESCO. Back in the days making Kimchi for a year-long feeding was a big event. All the people in the town gathered and helped each other. Pum-at-yi or “품앗이”, working for another family in turn, was done while 김장 days. So Kim-chi reminds Koreans of family and mother’s meal.

Boiled Pork with Geot-Jeo-Ri

And Koreans love Kim-Jang because we eat Boiled Pork or oyster with Geot-jeo-ri. So having a little party while you work together is what Kimchi is all about.

Culture is wonderful because it contains a variety of stories. So what is your story? Please share with us your soul food that reminds you of your heritage.

