Ignotus Updates

2 min readOct 19, 2022

Happy Wednesday everyone! Welcome to our second weekly update. Things have been a bit slower this week, but that’s okay. We are working behind the scenes for you all. Building a real, genuine, community takes a lot of time and dedication. It also means staying away from trying to generate excess hype.

Our artist Jaustin finished an art collaboration with Primus DAO earlier this week, and we have submitted 3 unique gladiators using the Ignotus theme. Given that they accept our application, we will be given 2 Primus Gladiators to giveaway to our community that have the Ignotus theme (FP of 5 $SOL when writing).

He is also working on new landscapes/horizons for when we launch our trait shop.

We are adding a couple community events.

Every Tuesday, starting at 7pm EST, we are going to have a voice call going on in our Discord for playing games and talking together.

Every Thursday, starting at 7:30pm EST, Jakey is going to be hosting an Ignotus space. There may or may not be alpha leaks here, and it may or may not just be a social space.

We have staked 150 of our $SOL to $mSOL, so that while it sits in our wallet it also yields additional Solana. It is liquid staking, so we can unstake at any time we need without any delays. You can watch our wallet at ignotus.sol.

Full disclosure, we are still finalizing staking and holder verification. We appreciate your patience on this; we are trying to support small creators and not go through mainstream providers for either of these (hence the delay).

We are also changing our web developers, and are looking to hire. Let us know anyone who deserves a chance and is a good web developer that you can vouch for.

Thank you for your continued support. You are what makes Ignotus special. Can’t wait to see you next week with even more updates.

