The First Post: So much to say…lets just START!

Wings of Karma
3 min readApr 17, 2018


Selfie shot in one of the most epic spots along the CA Coast; ask me where!

I only recently found out about Medium. I read the first story a good friend sent me entitled “Traveling is No Cure for the Mind” and was intrigued immediately not only by the writing and message (which was powerful for me because it resonated quite deeply with what I was/am going through), but by the Medium App I downloaded to read it from.

After selecting topics of significance to me I immediately began exploring other stories and then checking out writers profiles. I easily stumbled upon the kind of content that I needed at the moment…extremely positive life lessons…but it felt different here. It felt real, heartfelt, kind of raw even. No wonder: most of this stuff is written by the average joe. Nonetheless it does relate to how I feel and also inspires quite well, especially upon reading blogging success stories from guys like Tom Kuegler and many others.

I’ve never written a blog before. I honestly do not know if I will continue doing this (LOL…this is taking me quite a bit longer than I’d like; I’ve self-diagnosed myself as a perfectionist). But then again I’ve also never journaled before. Nor have I read books deep on Life-Meaning and Transformation. I just recently started exploring Meditation and Yoga out of necessity. Actually I’ve never been in this kinda place in my life before…its quite profound. I’ve had too many WTF moments recently and not enough Mahavishnu Moments (damn…thats an awesome topic to write about!!!).

But I am intrigued by this and quite frankly could use this now. I have so many thoughts spiraling in and out and often getting stuck in my monkey-mind and body that I need an outlet. I figure why not share it with the world…or with whomever reads this story, or the next one or my 100th post (that’ll be an impressive day…hmmm, sounds like a challenge). I actually feel inspired, for the first time in months and that is extremely hard for me to admit; EXTREMELY. I’ve written about 30 or so ideas down on paper in a pretty short time today. Each of these could nest another 10–20 spinoffs. I think I’ll give this a go; I at least like the romantic idea of doing this sort of thing.

I’d like to do brain dumps about things that come to mind that I would never in the past have considered actually writing down. And very importantly (for me…for now) I intend on sharing more of my story as I evolve and transform. I’ll make this my public journal and see just how deep I can get into my (un)comfort-zone as I go through what I am going through. I find that too often someone learns a lesson and shares it after some experience…well hows about during the experience? I know that kind of stuff is out there, but it appears hidden behind everyones success stories. I’d like to see myself as a success story in progress. I want to watch myself from the bleachers as I learn, grow in patience, acceptance and finally surrender and heal (in several senses). Then eventually I’ll look back at this very first post, see how far I’ve come and see where I am now (then).

I welcome you to come along. Please encourage and inspire me and I’ll do my best to reciprocate.


— Igor



Wings of Karma

Inspired by the Wings of Karma but didn’t know what that meant till early 2018. Here to read, learn and let loose with all that spirals on in my mind…