The Better Way to be GRATEFUL: ASK WHY

Wings of Karma
7 min readApr 18, 2018
The Wisdom Tree; a good place to reflect on what we’re Grateful for and WHY

Many of us say we’re grateful for a lot in our lives. We say we’re grateful for our families and relationships, for work (even if it just pays the bills), for the coffee we ordered last night at the cafe we go to for reading Medium Stories and for the good times last Friday with the gang. A lot of us don’t even think twice when saying “Thanks Man!” back to the cashier at the Market after bowing in gratitude to the mother with the full shopping cart for letting you go in front of her.

It simply becomes innate in a lot of us, especially when things are looking up. I’m sure you can recall your headspace after a good date. You were delighted with yourself and all those around you and to show it you’d have a blissful smile painted on your face and would have gratefulness pouring out of your…pores (had to write that one). The point is, you don’t really have to think about it when you’re flowing with the universe. However this exercise could elevate you to an even better place if you try it out! If you’re in this boat, awesome…you’ve steered the ship well! Please scroll down to the OK Dude, so get to the point already! section below (or just read through everything :)

BUT, if you’re a bit down or perhaps stuck in a rut…or perhaps that rut has opened up into a chasm depleted of oxygen and you literally struggle to catch your breath…that innate nature of…



Wings of Karma

Inspired by the Wings of Karma but didn’t know what that meant till early 2018. Here to read, learn and let loose with all that spirals on in my mind…