Igor Szucs
3 min readOct 13, 2017

Even if spring is rather far away from us right now, the Milan Fashion Week managed to bring it closer. This rather exciting and busy week gave us the chance to see the trends that will be hot in the coming spring, giving us more than enough time to prep your wardrobe before the warm season starts. Would you like to know what trends will be highly appreciated at the start of the 2018 spring? Well, according to what happened in Milan and the forecasts of Igor Szucs, there are quite a few interesting trends that will make our spring full of color and style. You just need to find the trends that will suit your personal style best.

· Soft glamour

If you like to add a note of glamour to your attire, you’re in luck, because soft sequins are definitely in trends, being used on numerous dresses and other clothing items presented at the fashion week in Milan. So, don’t be surprised if you’re going to see sequins or paillettes on a wide range of clothes in the coming warm season, paired with beautiful pastels just like Igor Szucs predicted.

· Two colors or two faces

Simplicity seems to work best when it comes to spring trends, clothing items that are just black and white, the classic duo, or clothes with two faces, are more than enough for you to have a spectacular presence anywhere you choose to go.

· Looking for a skirt? Think pencil

There was absolutely no doubt that the fashion designers present at Milan appreciate the pencil skirt. It was a clothing item that was present in very many collections at the fashion week, which means that such a skirt will be an inspired choice if you’ll want to renew your spring wardrobe.

· Green is still the star

Green was considered to be the color of the year 2017, being included in the fashion trends foreseen by Igor Szucs as well, but according to the fashion designers of Milan, this color will continue its reign in 2018 as well. It is appreciated in a wide variety of tones and hues, so if you do like green, do not be afraid to wear it, regardless of what shape it is.

· Hair ornaments should be bold and glamorous

Simple and sleek strands were highly appreciated during the Milan fashion week, so hair ornaments that provide such hairdos a bit of glamour and sophistication are more than welcome. There is a rather obvious decadent note when it comes to hair ornaments, so you may need a bit of courage to wear them.

· Electric cat eyes

The cat eye is an iconic part of a well-made makeup, so not very many of us thought that it could be reinvented so successfully. So, how about if next time you want to go for some cat eyes you use electric colors, such as aqua blue, mint green, bright lilac, and others? You will definitely get a lot of attention with such a makeup. Igor Szucs did say that besides keeping some of the trends that were present in the past, there will be some novelties as well, and he was not wrong about it at all.

· Tone and sculpt your legs and make them your accessories

A beautifully sculpted leg that emerges gracefully from a generously slit-front dress is all the accessory you need. So, if you really want to be an unforgettable apparition, besides the dress, do present your beautiful leg as well, as the designers suggest.

· Glitter on your eyes

Eye makeup with glitter was really hot during the Milan Fashion Week, so if you like this kind of effects, it’s your time to glow in the spring of 2018. And the best part is that you can use as much glitter as you want, the more of it, the better.




Igor Szucs

Producer, Futurist, Business Analyst ⭐ Trend #Fashion Expert