Who is the Instagram admin and what are its duties?

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7 min readSep 13, 2020


Who is the Instagram admin and what is his / her function and duty in this social network? This is a question that we intend to answer in the forthcoming discussion. Admin is one of the most commonly used terms on Instagram, which is also a lucrative job on Instagram. You probably know people around you who have a fairly good monthly income without leaving home, and if you ask about their type of activity and work, they will say that they are the admin page of Instagram.

In this article, we are going to get acquainted with the admin and how he works on the Instagram social network, who he is and what he does, and what skills an admin should have.

Admin Definition

The word Admin is basically an abbreviation of the word (Administrator). Due to the widespread use of the word admin in the IT world, gradually and over time, the term admin has changed to the modern form and pronunciation of admin, and thus speech has been established.

Most likely, if you have a PC or laptop with Windows or Mac at home, you have encountered the word admin a lot and have seen it many times in different parts of Windows. It can be said that in fact anyone who has a personal computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet is considered an admin.

The meaning of the phrase Administrator in Persian is admin and the word admin is used in exactly the same sense.

Who is the Instagram admin?

In addition to the word admin, you have probably heard or seen the term Webmaster many times. The word webmaster means webmaster. That is, the person who manages the site completely. Publishes new content, changes the appearance of the site, fixes bugs and issues, and is responsive to comments from site users.

A site the size of Instagram has several Webmasters, so you can not ask who is the Instagram admin? Useful and appropriate answer. So we have to put our question in a different way.

As you know, Instagram has more than one billion user accounts, and each user account is called a profile or account, and each profile, account or account is considered an Instagram page or page. So instead of asking the question, who or what is the Instagram admin? We have to ask: Who or what is the Instagram admin page?

Instagram Page Administrator

As mentioned above, each profile on Instagram is a dedicated page and page. It does not matter if the page is public or private, in any case, each Instagram profile is a unique page.

Without any age restrictions, any smartphone owner who has installed Android or iOS version of Instagram on their phone can create an Instagram page.

There is no difference between anonymous and anonymous for Instagram. With the exception of a few minor differences between the profiles of celebrities and the so-called celebrities compared to the profiles of ordinary people, everyone can equally use the capabilities and facilities of this social network.

Surely you have seen films that depict the different lifestyles of people compared to ordinary people in society, where often people with special lifestyles and different from the general public do their work to trusted people. In fact, they consider these people as managers and operators of a part of their business or profession so that they can control all aspects of their work due to their busy schedule.

In the world of Instagram, the admin refers to almost the same function. This means that busy people such as actors, business owners, celebrities and generally page owners who have a wide range of activities and can not therefore manage their busy page, from trusted people to They use the title of administrator or so-called admin to manage their page.

IGA stands for Instagram Page Admin, and is considered a category of the same as Instagram Page Admin. The manager of an Instagram page or page has a series of tasks for which he receives a salary from the owner of the relevant page. Read more with the description of the duties of the Instagram admin page.

Instagram page admin tasks

Definitely, the meaning of this term can be better understood by describing the duties of the admin on Instagram. Based on the above, we have learned that the term admin means manager, and admin on Instagram refers to the person who manages a page in this social network.

We will now look at the tasks assigned to a page manager, for which they are paid by their employer or the original owner of the page.

If you are an active Instagram user and a follower of the pages of well-known individuals and businesses in Iran, you have probably noticed that the phrase “this page is managed by an admin” is mentioned in the page introduction bio. You are also well acquainted with the capabilities of a profile.

You can:

  1. Leave a story
  2. Share photos and videos
  3. Upload more than one minute videos to IGTV
  4. Reply to comments if your comments are active.
  5. Increase the number of your followers by using different methods.
  6. The tasks that an admin on an Instagram page has to perform are exactly
  7. the same activities that you do to upgrade and develop your Instagram page. Your page may need an admin at some point.

General tasks of Instagram admin

  1. Upload and publish content including photos and videos on a regular basis
  2. Write a caption or text that matches the content you have uploaded.
  3. Reply to direct submissions sent by page followers or people who are not relevant followers.
  4. Reply to comments on posts
  5. Delete comments with rude and offensive content
  6. Post a story
  7. Responding to reactions to the story
  8. Increase the number of likes of posts
  9. Increase the number of views of shared videos and recognize different
  10. strategies to increase the view
  11. Increase the number of real followers
  12. Keep the page safe and prevent hacking
  13. Take the necessary steps to make the profile more dynamic (make periodic changes in the bio text and profile photo)
  14. Have a relative mastery of graphic software such as illustrator and Photoshop
  15. Raising the level of engagement of Instagram page (Engagement Rate Optimization)
  16. Familiarity with different advertising methods on Instagram
  17. Have a relative command of English
  18. Creativity in creating content
  19. The mentioned contents are among the main duties of the Instagram page admin. The amount of admin salary and benefits depends on his skills and abilities in managing and managing the Instagram page. For a page owner, it may not be necessary to have all of the above in one admin, on the other hand, a page needs a person as an admin with all the mentioned capabilities.

So far, we have a relative familiarity with concepts such as admin, the nature of the Instagram page admin, and the duties of an admin. Now we want to address the issue of the rights of an Instagram page admin so that if you need an admin for your Instagram page, you can go to your goal with more comprehensive information.

The amount of the salary of the Instagram page admin

One of the most important factors in the amount of admin rights on Instagram is geographical location. Similar to all jobs whose salaries in a city like Tehran are different from other cities, the Instagram admin salary is no exception to this general rule and there is a huge difference in the admin salary in Tehran with other cities. Even this figure can be doubled, meaning that an Instagram page manager in Tehran receives a salary equal to twice the salary of an Instagram page admin in the city.

The amount received by the Instagram admin page can also be affected by the capabilities and skills of the admin as well as the needs of the employer,the main owner of the page. The mentioned figure has started in Tehran with a base of 1,400,000 thousand dollar and in other cities with a base of 700,000 thousand dollar and can go even higher.

Considering the explanations provided in this regard, it can be concluded that the minimum salary based on the mentioned base for the tasks assigned to the base is considered as follows:

Upload content and stay organized over time
Reply to messages received directly
Write at least one beginner caption
Delete comments with offensive content
If these tasks become more widespread, the salary of the Instagram page admin will also be increased. It should be noted that setting a specific ceiling for the amount of admin salary is not possible and this figure is variable and can be considered up to a ceiling of five million dollar or more.

You may be interested to know how to become an administrator on Instagram and learn what skills are required to become an administrator on Instagram. For this purpose, read on.

How to become an admin on Instagram

Finding expertise in any field definitely requires focus. Conversely, focus creates expertise in any profession. To become an admin on Instagram, you also need to focus on gaining expertise.

Tips to consider when becoming an admin:

  1. In the first step, you must master the Instagram application itself and all its features and functions.
  2. Learn how to work with Instagram well through the Instagram website.
  3. Be well acquainted with how to use and operate the Fallout robot.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the various ways to increase followers and use them all.
  5. Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from Hashtag, how it is used, and the hashtags.
  6. Check the captions of the blog pages that belong to bloggers so that you can get original ideas from them.
  7. Have a good understanding of the story on Instagram.
  8. Work with graphic software such as Illustrator or Photoshop and gain a minimum of relative mastery.
  9. Take advantage of English and Persian articles available on the Internet in the field of Instagram.
  10. Try to follow creative pages.
  11. Familiarize yourself with the types of profiles.
  12. You can start by copying creative ideas. And finally, try to make the most of Instagram’s statistics tool.

