Quantum Disk — Meet our New PvP Game

2 min readSep 25, 2023


Another major milestone is reached: we’ve released Quantum Disk, a new PvP game powered by quantum uncertainty & provable fairness. Let’s recap what this game is and how you can play it. 🪙

It’s all based around this one round-shape circular-looking thingy surprisingly dubbed Disk. It’s actually a lock, a quantum lock keeping great treasure behind. Thing is the lock itself has meddled with the state of the treasure, adding to it the thrill of quantum uncertainly. Cuz the whole thing is in superposition, the loot is not predetermined, each version of the reward has its own probability. So, to break the lock and the superposition you need to smash that spin button (what can you do with a disk anyway?) and get one of the reward alternate states.

One other feature we cannot but cover is provable fairness. The basic idea is that anyone with a few programming wits can verify that the results of the game are truly random and not tempered with. We’ve got three buddies helping us out to do this: the global seed, the initial seed and the BLAKE2b hash function. It all comes together beautifully in the manual you’ll find in the game.

Check out the seeds published on Twitter:


See you in the game!🎮




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