BELUGA PAY & Mobile Point Of Sale for Entrepreneurs

Ihga Putri
5 min readDec 28, 2017

Digital payments square measure the answer which will give entry to monetary inclusion for these billions of individuals, That said, monetary exclusion still remains, in massive half, as a result of most merchants in underserved demographics still deal solely in money.

These micro and small businesses (MSMs) — the native food vendors, gasolene stands, portable kiosks — the lifelines for many folks, represent over USD 6.5 trillion in transactions annually. Yet less than 10% of these merchants currently accept digital payments.

BELUGA aims to leverage these new technologies to develop AN open supply plus transferring platform. By so providing the tools for tiny businesses and their customers in developing countries to travel digital.

Our mission is to make life easier for merchants

We believe it’s doable to possess one resolution to manage payments for your business, customers and private life.


BELUGA’s mission to assist the unbanked billions become a part of a more recent, better, and fairer international economic system. BELUGA are absolutely compliant in each jurisdiction it operates in, with strict Know Your Customer (KYC) and AntiMoney Laundering (AML) processes.


To help the unbanked billions become a part of a more recent, better,and fairer international economic system.BELUGA are absolutely compliant in each jurisdiction it operates in, with strict Know Your Customer (KYC) and AntiMoney Laundering (AML) processes.

How It Works

  1. Consumer buys a product or consumes a service from a merchandiser exploitation one in every of our product. for instance a client orders food in an exceedingly eating place exploitation BELUGA’s eating place Edition Application.
  2. Consumer makes payment for the merchandise or service exploitation decree Currency (ex. $USD) or Crypto currency (Bitcoin, Ether or BBI).
  3. If the payment is created employing a mastercard in decree Currency, the merchandiser will attempt to use BBI tokens so as to receive a second merchandiser Deposit* rather than having to attend the standard 2 operating days for the settlement to occur.
  4. If the payment is created exploitation cryptocurrency, the settlement method is initiated and also the payment to the merchandiser within the sort of the various cryptocurrency is transferred instantly.
  5. Loyalty points area unit accumulated for customers on each purchase of a product and repair. Loyalty points for merchants area unit accumulated on each sale of a product and repair.
  6. Loyalty points are often saved once the patron or merchandiser collect enough points.
  7. Loyalty points area unit saved within the kind decree currencies or BELUGA’s BBI crypto currency or different cryptocurrency.
  8. The magnitude relation of points with currencies is calculated exploitation intrinsic congurators and Oracles supported the market dynamics.

Beluga purpose of Sale

A robust mobile app to just accept debit, credit and crypto for little businesses. Manage customers and grow with unjust analytics.

BELUGA Restaurant Edition

A pill app to manage servers, tables, orders and food menu. efficient to even print out incoming orders for the room.

Beluga Peer two Peer

An easy to use mobile app to initiate peer two peer transfers with friends. Send via credit, debit or crypto and deposit subsequent day to your checking account.

Beluga Payment information

Merchants should purchase information with BBI tokens to visualize anonymized defrayment patterns from their ideal look-alike customers.

Beluga Payment information Analytics huge information could be a new and crucial means for little businesses to higher understand their customers behaviors and patterns. we’ll build good solutions to form new revenue streams and grow sales.

BBI Gas for Merchant Deposit Advances

BBI GAS is introduced within the BELUGA scheme to produce merchants a beautiful and extremely abundant required choice to speed up the nancial settlement method when a successful sale is formed with credit cards.

BBI Architecture Blocks

Intends to support many dierent cryptocurrencies to feature exibility to cryptocurrency holders. The communication between the personal and public blockchain is finished through REST, JSON or alternative arthropod genus.

BBI Token Utility

Membership BBI should purchase Beluga professional membership with advanced analytics and CRM tools.

Factoring BBI is employed to extend merchandiser deposit speeds, from 3 businesses days, right down to one.

Loyalty rewards BBI used for rewards (similar to Air Miles)

BBI Token holders Benefits

Solution Belugapay

BELUGA’s answer may be a Hybrid Blockchain model wherever capabilities ar on a BELUGA personal Blockchain BELUGAcore platform beside loyalty and AI surroundings and also the Wallets and Token Balances ar unbroken and transferred between addresses at the general public Blockchain level.

Market Opportunity

The financial technology sector is a massive and growing market

There area unit massive incumbent technology firms that function smart markets for fulfillment however have didn’t really offer solutions for merchants in developing countries and solutions for the cryptocurrency market:

BBI Tokensale Details

  1. Is command by Canadian company Beluga opposition. The scientific discipline are transferred to a not-for-profit Beluga Foundation with a mission to advance tools and services for the unbanked merchants.
  2. Beluga Foundation can incorporate as a not-for-profit in Svizzera or island that square measure far-famed for scientific discipline protection, privacy laws and favorable cryptocurrency frameworks.

Road Map

Details Information

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Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1184938

