Communicate with POWER | Lessons From The World’s Greatest Communicator | John Maxwell” from the channel “Ed Mylett


- John Maxwell reflects on his early days, admitting he wasn’t a great communicator initially.

- He discusses the impact of personal stories in connecting with the audience.

- **The Power of Personal Stories**:

- Maxwell mentions that while some advised against sharing personal stories, he found that they resonated deeply with the audience.

- Sharing personal stories provides moral authority and authenticity.

- Stories reflect who we are, and it’s essential to prioritize the audience over oneself.

- **The Essence of Success and Significance**:

- Maxwell differentiates between success and significance. While success is about oneself, significance is about others.

- He emphasizes the importance of connecting with the audience and understanding their perspective.

- **Ed Mylett’s Introduction of John Maxwell**:

- Ed Mylett introduces John Maxwell as a mentor, friend, and significant influence in his life.

- He praises Maxwell for being one of the most excellent communicators and mentions Maxwell’s new book, “The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication.”

- **The Art of Simplifying Complex Ideas**:

- Maxwell discusses the importance of simplifying complex ideas for effective communication.

- He differentiates between “simplistic” (fast but not deep) and “complex” (slow and deep) communication.

- The goal is to reach a point where communication is fast and deep, allowing the audience to grasp concepts quickly and reflect on them deeply.

- **The Journey of a Communicator**:

- Maxwell reflects on his early days as a communicator, where he was tempted to rely on charisma.

- He emphasizes the importance of preparation and hard work in delivering impactful messages.

- The key is to shift the focus from oneself to the audience, ensuring that the message resonates and adds value.

- **John Maxwell’s Foray into Music**:

- Maxwell shares his recent experience of writing songs based on his books.

- He mentions a song titled “Get Over Myself,” which encapsulates the essence of self-awareness and self-improvement for effective communication.

  • **John Maxwell on Longevity and Enthusiasm**:
  • John Maxwell emphasizes the importance of living a full, rich life while working hard throughout. He mentions his busy schedule, traveling from Europe to Tennessee to California, and how he maintains high enthusiasm.
  • **Handling Unexpected Situations**:
  • John shares a story where he had to replace Christopher Reeve (Superman) at a seminar in Boston. The audience was unaware of the change, and many left when John was introduced as the replacement. John humorously addressed the situation, acknowledging he wasn’t Superman and asked for the audience’s support. He emphasizes the importance of engaging the audience, especially when faced with unexpected challenges.
  • **The Power of Storytelling**:
  • John and Ed discuss the impact of storytelling on communication. Stories humanize the speech and make it relatable. John mentions how he was initially advised against sharing personal stories but realized their power when he began incorporating them. Personal stories resonate because they reflect the speaker’s lived experiences. John emphasizes that he only teaches what he has lived and believes in.
  • **Dimension in Storytelling**:
  • Ed highlights how stories from different times in a speaker’s life add dimension to their persona. He shares how John’s story about his father allowed Ed to see John not just as a mentor but also as a young boy, deepening their connection.
  • **The Impact of Silence in Speaking**:
  • John discusses the “Power of the Pause.” He believes that many speakers struggle with pausing because it feels like giving up control of the audience. However, pausing allows the audience to reflect on what was said, effectively underlining the speaker’s words. Most speakers rush through their content, making the audience play catch-up, but pausing ensures the message is absorbed.

This video segment emphasizes the nuances of effective communication, from storytelling to the strategic use of silence. John Maxwell shares personal anecdotes to illustrate his points, making the content relatable and impactful.

  • John talks about the fulfillment he gets from learning and growing. He mentions that he passes on what he learns to people as quickly as he can. Ed Mylett adds that if someone feels a lack of happiness, they should check if they are growing and if they are adding value to others.

Ed Mylett expresses his admiration for John Maxwell, stating that he often asks himself what John would do in certain situations. He considers John a hero and aspires to be more like him.

Here is his latest book!

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DrL : AI , Reviews, Writing and important Medicine

I am a retired Dermatologist interested to help people with my knowledge of different things!