Jago Last Wish: Insecure your will for the loved one by Life Insurance— UX Study Case

Muhammad Ihsan
9 min readNov 29, 2022


Banner UX Study Case

⚠️ Disclaimer: Please remember this project is a part of MBKM Study Independent Batch 3 with Skilvul #Tech4Impact and Bank Jago as Challenges Partner in Learning tracks : UI/UX Design Mastery. I made this as a study assignment for UX case material. I neither work for nor in contract with Jago

Hiii everyone, I’d like to introduce you guys to the project app developed by my team which is Karvin Halim, Rafliansyahrizky, Akbar Hamonangan Lubis, and A Desta Pranata as a mentor who guided and helped us in preparing the project. My team and I choose Bank Jago and develop the feature named Jago Last Wish.

About Bank Jago

Bank Jago is a digital financial service that focuses on the daily life of its centric users, with the largest ecosystem network in Indonesia. There are many types of problems in a person’s daily life, but there is a financial product that is used to meet those needs. Jago provides a financial application where you can arrange your financial plan with your loved ones.

At Jago, although their main business is financial products, they understand that from the user’s point of view what they have in mind is not a financial product, but an end goal. Therefore, when wanting to create a savings product, Jago doesn’t stop at just creating digital account features, but also thinks about integration into services that can provide the goods or services that users require.

So that everything becomes easy and smooth, for everyday life, future dreams, as well as activities with friends and family. And don't worry about the security of your data and money is guaranteed with Pocket Jago which has the most advanced and fastest security system in the industry.


Last Wish is a feature from Bank Jago to create a Life Insurance or leave an inheritance for a loved one through a digital platform. If we look at the life insurance products that are currently on the market, usually these products are sold as a form of prevention from disasters or bad things that will happen in the future. In addition, life insurance is also often used to protect the livelihood of families who are supported through livelihoods before the time of death. This is quite serious, considering that not everyone has planned for the future. One possibility why people don’t do it is because they want to be more optimistic and less negative (because the future can gets scary).


Jago’s features are made to support users’ lifestyles and also help them achieve their life goals, not just selling financial products. There are several objectives given, such as:

  • The steps for making a will are easy, considering that users can enter various types of requests
  • An easy way to calculate the monthly payments required for the desired form of will
  • Management of commitments made and edit of wills
  • Gamification or creative ways related to a healthy lifestyle and fitness level that can reduce the monthly commitment costs.

User Target

  • Age: 25–35 years old
  • Profession : Employee
  • Lives in urban area and have A or B Social Economy Level.
  • Can and understand the use of technology such as mobile phones or laptops.
  • Experienced in using insurance
  • Already have insurance from the office.
  • Usually use the application for daily needs (buy food, transportation, shopping, and others)
  • Want to get cashback or discount.
  • Subscribe to apps like Spotify, Netflix, and Disney+

Design Process

Photo By Anita Lever on https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/

In this project, we are using Design Thinking in the process approach as a main framework to the result. Design thinking itself has various stages that need to be done, such as empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and testing.

The following are the stages of the design process:

1 — Empathize:

In these stages we did lots of individual searches on insurance and how last will policy and especially Life insurance works, then we discuss the challenge brief and process the data that we’ve gathered. After that we did a user research by doing interview to users who previously met some of the criteria that have been given, we're searching for some pain point from user about Insurance and how the user knows about it.

The following is the pain points from research that has been done:

Pain Point

The following are some pain points obtained from research:

  • Users feel that the flow of insurance claims is too complicated and time-consuming
  • Respondents felt the insurance claim process was too complicated, which caused respondents to be reluctant to take other insurance,
  • the need for a legal section, notary, etc. if the will relates to something sensitive (money, inheritance, property etc.)

From those points above, we constructed how-might-we questions to generate solutions while keeping the group focused on problems to solve.

2 — Define:

After conducting research with user and identifying pain points, we moved on to the next stage and that is Define. During this stage, we used How-Might-we which we used to determine, sort, and analyze what issues from pain point that could be solved.

How Might We

We also vote to determine which how-might-we questions we will choose to use in the next phase, the question we chose is:

  • How do we simplify the flow of users to claim insurance?
  • How to make a will easier and more practical?

3 — Ideate:

After finding the issue from the point above, we go to the ideate stage where my group try to find, develop and analyze several solutions to be used in the issues that have been determined in the previous stage. We then categorize these ideas based on the problem we had before, and then create a Prioritization Diagram.

Solution Idea

In the Prioritization Diagram, we put various ideas to prioritize which solutions should be prioritized based on their value and effort. Is the idea important and effortless? Or is the idea unimportant, but making it a reality is difficult? We then prioritized to work on first and which solutions can be worked on later.

Prioritization Diagram

Based on the Prioritization Diagram above, there are several solutions that we can do first with low effort, such as:

  • create an online Will feature that can only be opened by heirs
  • Create a gamification feature to instruct users to exercise and get prizes in the form of reduced fees that users have to pay
  • Provide a form to collect the necessary files for insurance claims
  • and other solutions

4 — Prototyping:

After choose which solution will be made first from the Prioritization Diagram, we proceed to the next stage, that is prototyping. Several designs are needed as prototypes such as user flow, wireframes, UI Kit Design, high fidelity and prototype of the application.

First thing to do is creating user flow to determine user flow when user in the application. So we divide user flow into parts like make a will, edit a will, claim will, and healthy mission.

Here are some user flows created:

  • Create a Will:

This user flow is when user wants to create a will in Last wish option.

User Flow to Create a will
  • Edit a Will

This user flow is when the user wants to edit their will.

User Flow to Edit a will
  • Claim a Will

This user flow is use when user wants to claim their will from other people.

User Flow to Claim a will
  • Healthy Mission

This user flow is use when user is doing the mission to get healthy and get a prize.

User Flow to Healthy Mission

After completing the user flow, my group and I started to make the next part, and that is making wireframes, my group and I divided the tasks for making wireframes.

  • Wireframe Create a Will:

Check the full wireframes down below.

Or you can check in here.

Okay, the next step is to create a UI Kit Design to create manufacturing of components for design purposes and product development as a guide in designing the UI to maintain design consistency in terms of colors, typography, buttons, etc.

The UI kit that has been made can be seen in the image below

Text Style Kit
Color Style Kit
Button Kit
Input Field Kit
Media Kit

and other kit as well.

After we create a kit we go to the next step which is creating UI Design or high fidelity from the wireframes and will be adjusted and grouped based on the previously created user flow and using UI Kit to make it easier. These are some of the design that we developed.

High Fidelity Part 1
High Fidelity Part 2

Once all the user interface designs are complete and finished, we create a prototype based on the high fidelity and follow the user flow, we add some interactions between UI frames. This is the result.


Click Here to check the Prototype

5 — Testing

The next step is to test the prototype created before with prospective from users using the in-depth interview method. This testing process also aims to conduct usability testing for this application.

In this usability testing, we tested our design to 3 different user. We asked the user to do 4 tasks.
Task 1: Testing Creating a Will
Task 2: Testing Claiming a Will
Task 3: Testing Viewing will’s detail and editing the will
Task 4: Testing Healthy Mission (Gamification)

There are some of the feedback that we got from the user when usability testing and that is:
— Some fonts on some page need to be bigger, so they can be seen clearly
— Some page lack of “back button”
— Keyboard color are not consistent
— There is no sign that differentiate the claimed and not claimed will
— checkbox size is too big
— and other feedback

the results and values ​​of the usability testing are:

Table Data from Usability Testing

Here are some iteration or design improvements that we made based on users reviews and feedback after doing usability testing.

Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 3


Our design for Last Wish feature is already finished. Based on our usability testing, our user flow is easy to do and all the testing is running smoothly, and our design is good enough to understand and can help the user to create a will easily. Our gamification also helps the user to have a healthy habit and giving the user gift by rewarding them the discount voucher after finishing the task. However, our design is still not perfect and need some working to do, we got some feedback from the user after the usability testing for our design. Those reviews can be reviewed and implemented to improve our design before being developed.

I would like to thank you for your interest and sparing some time to read in the UX case study for UX Challenge from Skilvul and Bank Jago that I have written here, and I hope that I can continue my other writings and create more design and develop my skills in the future.

I would like to say thanks to my mentor A Desta Pranata for the guidance and advice so far in the program which has directly or indirectly helped me to become a better person, especially in terms of design, and thanks to Skilvul for the opportunity that give me more that knowledge and that is friendship including crush ;), connections, and even chance to improve my skills. Any feedback from you for this article will be very useful to improve myself in the future. I hope in the future i can give better results and better article.

