Kursus.in : Online learning platform, improving skills in 4.0 era — UX Study Case

Muhammad Ihsan
6 min readOct 11, 2022


⚠️ Disclaimer: Please remember this project is a part of MBKM Study Independent Batch 3 with Skilvul #Tech4Impact as partner in Learning tracks : UI/UX Design Mastery. I made this as a study assignment for UX case material.

Kursus.in Image


Kursus.in is an online learning platform owned by X company that currently engaged in edutech field. Kursus.in provides various online courses to prepare digital talents in Indonesia by providing courses in the fields of Programming, Digital Marketing, UI/UX Design, Product Management, and many more.


During the past year, company X has experienced a decrease in revenue, which has prompted the company to conduct research in order to produce points:

  • User doesn’t like the interface
  • Platform is difficult to use
  • Very long loading time
  • Difficult to find motivation to study

After receiving the results of the research, company X plans to make changes, starting with a user-friendly design to increase the user's enthusiasm to learn.


There are several objectives achieved by this case. Such as:

  1. Create an edutech platform that can increase users’ motivation to learn with additional features such as discussions with mentors, leaderboards, and other features.
  2. Create an easy-to-use, user-friendly interface for the edutech platform.

User Target

  • Age : 18–55 years old
  • Profession : Employee
  • Language : Indonesia
  • Economic Level : Middle and above

Role In The Team

In this project, I work with my friend Karvin Halim, Rafliansyahrizky, and Akbar Hamonangan Lubis as a team of UI/UX designers. Our job desk as UI/UX Designer in these projects include:

  1. creating and designing platforms
  2. Brainstorm some Ideas
  3. Creating userflows, wireframes, and high-fidelity UI design
  4. Creating Prototype of the platform
  5. Researching and testing the application

Design Process

Design Thinking
Photo By Anita Lever on https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/

In this case, we have decided to use a design thinking approach as a main framework. Design thinking itself has various stages that need to be done, such as empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and testing.

The following are the stages of the design process:

1 — Empathize:

At this stage, my group and I did research by looking for pain point and user feedback on the competitors' analyst by reviewing many online learning applications from the app store and Play Store. Afterwards, we encountered some pain points and the result.

The following is the research that has been done.

Pain point from research
Pain Point

The following are some pain points obtained from research:

  • Problem in playing the learning video
  • The learning video doesn't have subtitles, and the app runs slower on low-end devices.
  • The interface is very complex and confusing to use, which makes it difficult for both the user and the administrator to accomplish what they want.
  • Material that is mostly in the form of text makes users lazy and tried to study

2 — Define:

After conducting research and identifying pain points, we moved on to the next stage: define. During this stage, we used a method called 'how might we,' which we used to determine, sort, and analyze what problems from pain point that could be solved.

How Might We

3 — Ideate:

After successfully finding the problems we got, we proceed to the next stage and that is Ideate, where at this stage we use the same method as before which is How might we to develop and analyze several solutions to be used in the problems that have been determined in the previous stage.

Solution Idea

After we have managed to find some usable solutions, we will re-order which solutions should be prioritized to can be prioritized to work on first and which solutions can be worked on later using the Prioritization Diagram.

Prioritization Diagram
Prioritization Diagram

Based on the Prioritization Diagram above, there are several solutions that we can do first with low effort, such as:

  • Create platform Using flat design
  • Creating leaderboard point to increase the user’s enthusiasm for learning
  • create supporting features such as discussion rooms with mentors and other to ask and discuss something
  • and other solutions

4 — Prototyping:

After determining which solution will be made first, we proceed to the next stage, namely prototyping. Several designs are needed as prototypes such as user flow, wireframes, mockups, and high fidelity of the application.

We start making the application starting from the end-to-end user flow, which starts from the login process to the end of the class and gets a ranking on the leaderboard.

User Flow
User flow

After we finished designing the user flow, we started to design the application wireframe for each section, such as the Login section of the app, the Discussion Room section, and the Leaderboard section, as well as other sections.


Then the next step is to create a UI based on the wireframes that have been created. The UI created will be adjusted and grouped based on the previously created user flow. These are some of the design that we developed.

  • Register / Login Flow
Register / Login
  • Search and Buy learning course
Search and buy learning course
  • Learning progress and leaderboard
Learning Progress

Once all the user interface designs are complete, we create a prototype based on the user flow and user interface designs. This is the result.

Click Here to check the Prototype

5 — Testing:

The next step is to test the prototype with prospective users using the in-depth interview method. This testing process also aims to conduct usability testing and user research for this application.

The following is information from respondents.

Name: JS
Profession: students college
Domicile: Jambi
Age: 21

JS is a student at a university college in one of the universities at jambi, and he uses learning platforms such as edmodo, code.id, and Google Classroom. He uses learning platforms such as edmodo, code.id, and Google Classroom. He uses the application to carry out learning from campus and self-study. Based on the opinions obtained from respondents, there are several difficulties experienced by respondents while using the application such as difficulty communicating with teachers to ask questions and sometimes not connecting to teachers, then there is a problem where there is a lack of interest due to not being able to divide time to study and help parents.

In the process of testing and interviewing respondents, we interviewed with a Single Ease Question (SEQ) which consisted of 12 questions and there were 3 tasks that needed to be done by the resource person. The 3 tasks that carried out by the resource persons consisted of:

  • Task 1: Register / login task,
  • Task 2: Searching and purchase class task,
  • Task 3: Learning progress and leaderboard task

For the results, we received a value of 5.7 for task 1, a value of 5.8 for task 2, and a value of 6 for task 3.


We have completed the process of remodel and making changes to the kursus.in application, and we have received feedback from respondents that can be used to improve the kursus.in application. There are several other feedback that can improve this application before the application were too developed.


After making improvements and research for the kursus.in, for the recommend there is still a UI/UX section that can be improved and added some additional features contained in the pain point and develop it for the better.

I would like to thank you for your interest in the case study that I have written, and I hope that I can continue my other writings and create more design and develop my skills in the future. I apologize if there are any grammatical errors that I have made. Once again, thank you.

