The Most Useful Mobile Apps That Make Your Day Easier

Ihsan Kilic
6 min readMar 14, 2018


As you know, technology helps us while we’re handling so many things. It doesn’t matter if we are at home, at work, at the gym, or at shopping; we’re living with the support of technology now. And, thanks to the mobility of its service, our big tech help ambassador is smartphones.

Every one of us has at least 10–15 mobile apps to use. For instance, without thinking too much, a lot of people have social apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or functional apps like dictionary, calculator, navigation, mail, music player, mobile banking, or other necessary tools and even they are 10 in total alone. So, we can see that we need apps, we like apps and we use apps for different purposes.

But if we go into detail, there are some apps that make our daily lives easier. Actually, all apps stand for this aim (for example, WhatsApp makes your communication easier with someone), but these apps functionally created for directly this purpose. And I believe all of you need these apps on your phone. You will understand my point after learning these apps. So, let’s begin!


Our first app is for ones who don’t like solving math problems or don’t want to waste time by struggling with complex math problems. Photomath can help you to solve a wide range of math problem types like arithmetics, integers, fractions and more.

Here is the guide; simply point your camera toward a math problem and Photomath will magically show the result with detailed step-by-step instructions.

PS: Of course, I do not encourage this app to be used by students to copy. 😜

Google Play Store Link, iOS App Store Link


That app is for people who are just like me; I mean, for people who don’t really track their money flows at all. Mint is the free money manager and financial tracker app that brings together your bank accounts, credit cards, bills, and investments so you know where you stand.

This way, you can see what you’re spending, and where you can save money. You can even track your credit score to help you be smart about it.

Google Play Store Link, iOS App Store Link

Keeper Password Manager

There is a certain fact that passwords have become a trouble-maker in our lives. That is because we need to open countless of accounts on every internet platform and most of them have their own password rules. And this makes it harder to keep these whole passwords in mind. And even sometimes, you need to change your password because your password only can be temporary and it expires.

Here is the scene which I’m trying to remember my password to log in a platform that I rarely use:

But let me introduce the solution!

Keeper’s password manager generates, stores, and automatically fills strong passwords on all of your devices while also securely storing and protecting your private documents. To be honest, it saves us from a big, big confusion.

Google Play Store Link, iOS App Store Link


Let’s say that you are in a huge crowd and try to find your friend. In this case, you do not have so many options except calling him/her and try to tell where exactly you are in a primitive way, normally. And if you are struggling with explaining your location or your friend is having a difficulty to understand it, things are getting worse and more annoying.

Fortunately, Wave was created to solve these kinds of crisis moments.

It allows two or more people to share their live location on a private map for a limited period of time, so you can spot each other in a sea of people. And you can chat with them until the meeting is completed.

Google Play Store Link, iOS App Store Link


If you want to learn a different language, Duolingo is probably one of the best solutions for free. With its practices such as grammar, speaking, reading, and writing; it provides you a beneficial and funny experience. There are over 20 languages in that app and you can begin to learn one of them according to your knowledge of that language.

The app lets you choose your daily practice time. After that, it tests your knowledge level and prepares a personalized learning program for you. The owners of app claim that 34 hours of Duolingo are equal to a semester of university-level education.

Google Play Store Link, iOS App Store Link


Paper works... Even if we’re in the 21st Century, the digital century in other words; they are everywhere. Actually, we are in the middle of the transition process, I mean the process is transforming from traditional paper (made from wood) into a digital paper (that is used on PC). Because of that, in many cases, some corporations, organizations, or people may ask you to deliver your papers from digital platforms. And we may not reach a scanner every time to convert them.

For this reason, CamScanner is a great tool for you to get your paper works done easily.

It helps you to scan, store, sync and collaborate on various contents across smartphones, tablets and computers and share/print them as PDF/JPEG.

Google Play Store Link, iOS App Store Link


Attention to the women! This period tracking app was created for you. With an attractive user interface, Clue allows you to keep track of your symptoms throughout the month like bloating, acne, breast tenderness, mood swings, etc. and even gets smarter over time, thus offering better predictions regarding your cycle. And you can get personalized reminders about your period, PMS, ovulation, and fertility.

Google Play Store Link, iOS App Store Link


The last app on that list is SofaScore, which is a sports-live-score app that gives you live coverage (results, fixtures, standings) for all leagues, and competitions in 22 sports including football, basketball, tennis, rugby, and more.

In fact, there are so many live score app in app stores. But SofaScore ensures unique and detailed information incorporates simple live scores to deep statistics and detailed player statistics-analysis-heat maps as well as player strengths and weaknesses. Let’s give an example from football. You can simply follow a player and track his performance during the season like individual ratings, transfer moves, goals/assists.

PS: In my opinion, SofaScore’s best advantage is that it has no irritating in-app ads when we compare with its competitors this provides a better user experience.

Google Play Store Link, iOS App Store Link

