Difference between Fitted and Flat bedsheets?

Jayshree Khatri
5 min readJan 28, 2020


With regards to choosing what kind of bedsheets to use on your sleeping pad, it can get a touch of overpowering when confronted with the assortment of styles, various sorts and fluctuating fits for all sizes of beddings. It becomes even more confusing when attempting to choose what precisely you have to buy to furnish your bed in comfort, yet in style!

Let’s take a look at what importance a fitted bed sheet has on the mattress and how can a flat sheet help or hinder your comfort level because both of these styles have the same purpose: protect your mattress against stains or rips and protect your skin from common irritants often found in fabrics.

Fitted Bed Sheets

Fitted bed sheets are large pieces of material are intended to fit cozily over your bedding. They won’t fall off the sleeping pad during sleep, because of its stretchy, flexible band that is sewed into the crease of the material. The elastic permits the sheet to embrace the sides of your sleeping pad so while you are normally moving during sleep; the sheet doesn’t disconnect itself from the bedding.


  • Protection for your mattress
  • Snug fit for a smooth sleeping surface
  • Easily removed for cleaning

Protection for your mattress

A fitted sheet offers protection for your sleeping mattress from typical wear and tear. Ordinary wear and tear can come as stains (bodily fluids, liquids, food etc.), or tears. A mattress is effectively the most costly piece of your bed and when treated appropriately, should last somewhere in the range of 10 to 12 years.

Snug fit
When fitted correctly for your mattress, the fitted sheet should not be easily dislodged from each corner but instead, fit snugly without wrinkles. Using the correct measurements for your fitted sheet, you should be able to pull the sheet snugly over each corner of the mattress to create a flat but smooth sleeping surface.

Easily removed for cleaning

A fitted sheet might fit snugly on your mattress but all it takes for removal is a simple pluck of one of those corners from its hold to loosen and remove the sheet. This easy removal is perfect for laundry day and a lot easier than trying to remove a quilted mattress cover — which typically tends to be massive and difficult to remove; especially if it covers the whole mattress. Most fitted sheets can be washed right at home, so there are no excursions to costly dry-cleaners for cleaning however rather a straightforward adhering to of cleaning guidelines!

Flat Bed Sheets

Flat bed sheets are large pieces of material that can be spread out over your mattress to rest against the surface. These sheets will not have elastic to fit down over the corners of the mattress but instead have just a stitched seam around the edges to stop the material from unravelling during use. Most bed sheets are made from threads that have been woven together to create a large panel of fabric — hence the need for a seam on the edges.

Flat bed sheets can be left free on the bed or tucked underneath the mattress for a snug fit. Movement during sleep however, can untuck the sheet, leaving it tangled around your legs and feet. This can make distress for light sleepers and a battle to get out of bed in the morning!


  • Protection to both the fitted sheet and comforters
  • Barrier for skin against common irritants or skin ailments
  • Offers temperature control

Protection to both the fitted sheet and comforters

Flat sheets should rest legitimately underneath the comforter or blanket of your bed, and is the material that will cover the body while dozing. It offers your fitted sheet (if relevant), protection from stains or tears. A flat sheet can likewise offer protection for your main covering on your bed, regardless if it is a comforter, duvet or blanket. The protection the flat sheet offers the top covering is one from the body. If you are injured or you suffer from skin ailments that cause discharge, a flat sheet can protect the most expensive top covering from stains or rips.

Barrier for skin against common irritants or skin ailments

A flat sheet can act as a barrier for your skin against common irritants such as dust, mites, bacteria or parasites that can live up to five years in the dark corners of your mattress. Certain irritants can aggravate your skin to the point of itchy, rash-covered sections or even threaten your respiratory system. If you suffer from common skin ailments, such as eczema or psoriasis, a flat sheet made from a soothing material can help cool the skin with its natural moisture repellants. When the material is one that will repel nighttime moisture caused by night sweats or whatnot; a flat sheet can keep symptoms to a minimal and offer protection against dust or dry air that can cause flare-ups.

Temperature Control

A flat sheet can offer the sleeper the benefit of temperature control. The use of a flat sheet during the warmer summer months can allow the body to naturally adjust its core temperature to a cooler one. Depending on the climate you live in, a flat sheet could be the only thing protecting you from irritants on humid, hot nights. With certain materials offering natural moisture repellent; a flat sheet can be a lifesaver and save you from waking up soaked in sweat. During cold winter months, flat sheet can not only add warming and comforting layers to your bed, but also add a layer of protection for your sensitive skin when coming in direct contact with a heavier blanket or comforter.

Now that you know the difference between fitted and flat bed sheets, you are more equipped to make the decision about what style you would prefer on your mattress. It honestly comes down to personal preference and comfort levels for both yourself and your partner.

IH&T (Indeed Health & Trends) has a wide range of luxury bed sheets which are aesthetically packed with attractive packaging, making them ideal for gifting. One can shop for IH&T bedsheets online too.

Contact: https://indeedhealthandtrend.com/ OR Buy Now

