i-House Token (IHT) i-HODL V1, Buyback, Coinburn, and ATO Progress Announcement

IHT Coin
3 min readJul 26, 2018


Dear Investors,

This letter is to announce i-House Token (IHT) i-HODL V1, Buyback, Coinburn, and ATO Progress information. We hereby disclose the details of buyback information as follows:

Total of Secondary Market Buyback

The total of secondary market buyback was 20,740,391 IHT, including i-HODL V1 Rewards, IHT Buyback and IHT Coinburn, divided into the following three parts:

1. i-HODL V1 Rewards Address:

i-House.com estimates the total reward pool is 870,000 IHT based on the first round of i-HODLers. Check the reward pool address here: https://etherscan.io/address/0xF3D787E2660fD0e90E89163629825Ae70b7F6d3B

2. IHT Buyback Information:

The second portion of the 9,870,391 IHT will be used for the i-Wallet Airdrop Program. The i-Wallet Airdrop Program is expected to start in August and for more details, please refer to the i-Wallet Airdrop Program Announcement. The contract address shows that 8,810,391 IHT is stored (The 1,060,000 IHT will put back to this address after i-House.com’s team finishes the test of Lockup V2 & Nonexchange on mainnet.): https://etherscan.io/address/0x9e6f663C4F955b2b92D2645B4c888C0Df6d9B313

3. IHT Coinburn Information:

The third portion of the 10,000,000 IHT will be used for coinburn, starting in August. The contract address shows that 10,000,000 IHT is stored: https://etherscan.io/address/0xc1FD26a0cAe515aa9a70f72321fD82F8e064d182

The IHT amount should be coinburnt by the first ATO use case is 800W USDx 5%x 30% (the percentage of coinburn amount), which is converted the market price in July 24th, 2018 (0.059640 USD) into IHT is 2,008,838 IHT.

The remaining IHT is 10,000,000- 2,008,838= 7,991,162 IHT which is used for coinburn in the future.

Summary of i-House.com Use Cases of ATO Progress

i-House Asset Tokenization Offering (ATO), introduced in 2018, is the world’s first real estate usage rights tokenization platform. The following are i-House.com ATO use cases:

1. First of ATO- IHT Club Karuizawa timeshare resort went live in Japan on April 09, 2018.

The ATO quota has been fully subscribed and it’s expected to be delivered in August. The progress will be updated according to the actual conditions. The coinburn starts in August and the coinburn amount of the percentage is 800W USDx 5%x 30%, which is converted the market price in July 24th, 2018 (0.059640 USD) into IHT is 2,008,838 IHT .

2. The second and third ATO: IHT Club Shojin timeshare resort went live in the Philippines on May 25, 2018 and VIP Cowry Phuket timeshare resort went live in Thailand on June 29, 2018.

Both of ATO projects have completed the due diligence process reviewed by i-House.com team internally. The ATO projects are in undergoing the process of due diligence between the investors and property owners and completing the local compliance checks and regulations.

3. The first US ATO will be launched soon, please stay tuned for updates from the i-House.com team.

For more information, please visit i-House.com.



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