iHub Global Free Helium Miner — Everything you need to know

A complete guide to iHub Global’s free Helium Miner

iHub Global Helium miner
12 min readSep 6, 2021

Note: At time of writing (Sept 2021), there is an overwhelming demand for the free iHub Global Helium miner with a delivery delay of 3–4 weeks. To receive your free iHub Global Helium Miner, please register here.

In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult for people to earn money from home.

iHub Global is a company that offers a free opportunity to earn extra money from home through mining hubs that mine the Helium coin.

Anyone can join iHub Global network and start earning an income!

The iHub Global community allows anyone with access to the Internet and basic computer skills to get involved in cryptocurrency mining, without any previous experience or technical knowledge required.

This innovative platform provides users with multiple ways of earning digital currency while helping them stay connected through a very unique network.

The goal is simple — iHub Global wants everyone around the globe who wants to be involved in cryptocurrencies, including those who cannot afford expensive hardware and software, to have access to their network so both the members and the company can benefit financially by joining them on the journey!

With that said, let’s dive in!

Here’s what you’re going to learn today

  • What Is iHub Global?
  • About The Company
  • How Does iHub Global Work?
  • The Products Of iHub Global
  • What Is A Global Hotspot?
  • How Do You Make Money With iHub Global?
  • iHub Global Compensation Plan Details
  • Helium Coin Annual Interest
  • How To Join iHub Global?
  • iHub Global FAQ
  • Is The iHub Global Helium Miner Really Free?
  • Will The iHub Global Helium Miner Work In My Country?
  • How Are The Hotspots Deployed?
  • How Can iHub Global Afford To Give Away These Hotspot Devices?

What Is IHub Global?

iHub Global is an established blockchain network provider that is committed to powering the global cryptocurrency ecosystem through its innovative platform.

iHub Global works with Helium, which calls its global hotspot system “The People’s Network” due to the hub network that is set up around the world in people’s own homes.

The company aims to empower people who want to be involved in cryptocurrencies but do not have the technical knowledge or experience needed to get started by providing them with multiple ways of earning digital currency while also allowing them to stay connected.

iHub Global functions like a traditional mining hub, utilizing cloud-based software to help users generate passive income from their own homes without having prior knowledge about how blockchain technology works.

And getting started is as simple as setting up a TV.

The free devices you receive will automatically mine Helium coins!

But iHub Global goes beyond simple mining with Helium, it offers users additional ways of earning digital currency like inviting other, like-minded members to the platform.

You can also save the Helium coins you earn and earn an interest percentage each year on it by simply holding on to it.

iHub Global is not just a company that offers an innovative mining device that is helping people make money; it’s also a highly interactive community where people can stay connected by interacting with other members through live chat rooms, group discussions, or various forums.

This helps its users overcome many of the barriers that prevent them from being involved in cryptocurrencies: lack of technical knowledge or difficulty in understanding how blockchain technology works, or if you run into any issues like setting up your mining device.

iHub Global provides anyone who wants to get involved in cryptocurrencies with the opportunity to make extra money from home for free.

>> Register here to get your iHub Global Helium miner

About The Company

iHub Global was founded by Rick Cotton in 2019.

Rick Cotton is also the CEO of eXfuse and Viva Kids.

iHub Global markets Helium and uses what that company has put together to offer multiple levels of compensation than just using the Helium mining hub to earn from your own production.

The person behind the Helium hotspots is a man named Shawn Fanning.

He is a multi-millionaire entrepreneur that invented the hugely popular peer-to-peer music sharing site called Napster.

He was also an early investor in UBER, the highly popular ride-share company.

He is also the inventor of the peer-to-peer wireless network that he calls “the people’s network”.

Early investors of the people’s network include Google and the CEO of Salesforce, Marc Benioff.

How Does IHub Global Work?

The way that iHub Global works, is very simple.

The first thing that you will need to do is to create your free account by following the link below.


The next step is to fill out your information once you get to the free registration page.

Once in, you will get prompted to reserve your free Helium hub device. When you click on the button link, you will get directed to the Helium website, which you will log in with your iHub Global login and password that you created.

Once inside the Helium dashboard, you will want to click on reserve your hub off to the left side of your screen if you are on a laptop or pc.

Then simply fill out your information along with the address you want to register your Helium hub at. (your address)

Once done, you will get notified when they will send you your device, and in the meantime, while you’re waiting on your device, you can start sharing your shareable iHub Global link.

At the same time, I would recommend watching all the videos in your back office and get familiar with the system.

That is really it! The last step will be to start sharing to get a jump start on things so that you can start earning a percentage from other people’s mining production as well.

There are no fees that I saw with getting started. There might be a shipping charge for the device itself, but that is all you have to pay for, which is a small fee.

The Products Of IHub Global

The products that iHub Global offers to its users are the same ones that help them earn an income, which is the Helium cloud mining device.

As stated before, Helium was not created by iHub Global, but they are using this technology to help people get started with the Helium platform to earn more money.

The Helium mining device that you get is actually free. (minus shipping)

iHub Global has partnered with Emerit to offer the Emrit CoolSpot which is the actual mining device that is sent to you for free.

If you were to purchase these devices, you would have to pay over $300, but not with iHub Global.

The devices that are sent out to you are considered Helium “Hubs”.

The more “Hubs” that are around your location, the more mining you can do with your device.

What these “Hubs” produce is Lo-Fi or “long-range Wi-Fi”, which is similar to Wi-Fi but with a much longer range.

When you click on the link to create your free account above or below, you will watch an amazing video that will explain in more detail what the device does and how it works.

Helium is calling these Hubs, “the future of internet hotspots” and the usable internet is being produced by the people.

Imagine being able to connect to the internet using a hotspot anywhere you are without having to travel to your local Starbucks!

The more devices that are surrounding your location will mean more internet connectivity will happen, which will then produce more mining power that you and the other miners that are close to you will have.

After you create a free account, you can see a network map with all the hubs in your area along with what type of production they are producing.

What Is A Global Hotspot?

The global hotspot is the easiest way to get started in cryptocurrency mining, as it gives people quick access to everything iHub Global offers.

The Global Hotspot is the device you will receive that simply plugs into your outlet in your home and connects via an app on your smartphone.

Once connected, you will gain access to mine Helium which will be stored on the blockchain in your personal Helium account which can then be held, converted to then be cashed out.

The Global Hotspot is also a network of these devices that are all connected producing radio signals that connect to each other to build a “Lo-Fi” network that will produce massive internet hotspots and more mining power without needing massive amounts of power consumption.

Lo-Fi simply means, “long-range wireless internet access”. It is similar to WiFi, but with a much longer range of signal strength.

As a matter of fact, the device itself only uses 5 watts of power per month!

The only setup required for this is internet access and a power outlet, from which you can then connect to the Helium platform.

This step-by-step process doesn’t require any special software and will take just a few minutes before you’re fully set up with cloud mining, referral rewards, and so on.

Since no special skills or knowledge are needed when using these features of iHub Global, they can be accessed by anyone worldwide without needing an invitation.

No fees need to be paid for setting up your account or getting involved with its services, so users can focus on generating income in as little time as possible.

How Do You Make Money With IHub Global?

The iHub Global compensation plan is based on a network marketing model, which is designed to reward users for generating revenue by performing specific actions.

All the HNT that you mine from your device/s, you will automatically keep 50%.

When ordering your Hotspot from iHub Global, you are joining a network and all the HNT you get goes into iHub and then is paid out to you, your referrer, and a part of it goes to iHub Global itself.

Basically, referring new people and encouraging them to perform the same tasks that you did will give you a share of their payments as well as those made by anyone they joined the business for like you did.

The total amount that can be earned from iHub Global’s compensation plan is what differentiates it from other companies in this industry since there are so many ways for you to make money just by using services supplied by it.

In fact, there are a few different ways for people to get paid without actually having to invest any money or take out loans like most lenders require when lending bitcoins.

Let’s take a look at how you can earn additional income by simply sharing this free opportunity…

IHub Global Compensation Plan Details

The revenue that is generated to earn commissions is all done through the HNT mining from the devices you get.

The compensation plan is structured in a unilevel.

When I say uni-level, it means that you are being rewarded from your personally referred members only, and not through a multi-level structure like MLM.

The unilevel has a 5 level reward structure, and you earn from your personally referred people that are mining HNT.

The more people that you refer the mine, will mean the more money you will earn!

The way it works is this:

  • When you refer 1–5 people that have an active hotspot, you will earn 20% from the HNT that is mined from those people. These people are called your Pro team.
  • When you refer 6–15 people that have an active hotspot device, you will earn 25% from the HNT mined from these people. These people will be considered your Bronze team.
  • When you refer 16–25 people that have an active hotspot, you will earn 30% from the HNT mined from these people. These people will be considered your Silver team.
  • When you refer 26+ people that have an active hotspot, you will earn 35% from the HNT mined from these people. These people will be considered your Gold team.

If everyone mined just 50 HNT per month, which is roughly $18 at today’s price, then each person would be earning $900 per month.

On top of what you would earn from your personal mining, you would also earn an additional $180 from your Pro Team,

Helium Coin Annual Interest

Another way that is not really talked about is earning interest in saving your Helium coin.

There is a website for staking your Helium coins (and others) called Anchor.

Anchor is like a savings account, but instead of saving with fiat currency with a regular bank, you save with cryptocurrency.

There is also insurance that you can purchase for a very low rate that will protect your investment.

As of right now, Anchor will give you a 19.46% annual interest rate.

How To Join IHub Global?

Before you should join, your answer to this question should be a yes…

Do you want to earn extra money from home?

If you answer yes, then iHub Global is a company that offers a free opportunity to earn extra money from home through mining hubs that mine the Helium coin on complete autopilot!

You can get started today for free and start earning your first coins once you receive your free mining hub!

iHub Global offers an easy way for anyone with access to the internet to participate in their mining hub program regardless of their location or background.

It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, male or female — we have a place for everyone here at iHub Global.

With our help, anyone can be part of this exciting new industry!

>> Get your iHub Global Helium Miner now

IHub Global FAQ

In this section of my iHub Global review, I am going to answer some of the questions that you might have before joining.

Is This Really Free?

Yes! The Helium hotspots are 100% free for everyone that joins iHub Global through my link above.

Will This Work In My Country?

Yes, you can join anywhere in the world for free as a member.

How Are The Hotspots Deployed?

The hotspots are prioritized and sent out to the locations with the highest earning potential first, which includes the USA, Canada, and Europe. However, it doesn’t matter where you live in the world, you can earn from the people that you refer that live in these high prioritized countries before you receive your device.

How Can IHub Global Afford To Give Away These Hotspot Devices?

iHub Global has partnered up with high net worth investors, and it also profits from a percentage of the HNT that is mined through these devices, which is used to reward the investors.

Closing Comments: IHub Global Review

iHub Global has many opportunities to earn residual commissions in return for being part of the opportunity that they provide.

One of those is the global hotpot business builder program, which allows referrers to make passive income every month by simply running one mining hub that mines Helium coins.

The other is by simply running your own Helium mining hub where you earn 50% of the mining production.

The power of iHub Global is earning a percentage from EVERYONE that you refer which will really add up.

In summary:

  • You can become a free iHub Global sponsor today!
  • You can be part of helping to build “The People’s Network”!
  • Not only that, but you can earn daily, passive lifetime rewards from unlimited hotspots around the world!
  • No selling, it’s 100 free!
  • Anyone, and everyone, can do this!

With that said, who doesn’t like free?

Another great thing to say is, who would pass up on an opportunity to receive a free mining hub that will earn you free money?

I only see iHub Global as a “win-win situation and opportunity” for EVERYONE!

I highly recommend joining, and getting started right away!

>> Get started with your iHub Global Helium Miner today



iHub Global Helium miner

Free Helium Miner: Learn all about the iHub Global Helium miner and how to mine Helium for free with the free iHub Global Helium miner.