What to do about bad breath?- Use a Mouth Mist

4 min readJul 7, 2022


Do you want to hang around with someone with bad breath? Of course not, right? The worst thing happens, when someone tells you you have stinky breath and you’re not even aware of it. You don’t even know that it stinks when you exhale because it is hard to smell your own breath.

If you’re going through this blog post, you probably have experienced the same at one point in your life. Luckily, you’ll get one of the best pieces of advice on the topic. So, stay tuned.

Here’s the good news!

Bad breath can be fixed. Yes, you heard it. It is easy to keep your teeth and gums in optimum shape. All you need to do is, follow the below-mentioned tips and you’ll never face the disgust of bad breath:

  • Be Regular with Brushing and Flossing –> Plaque is a sticky buildup that gets accumulated on your teeth, when not taken care of. It eventually becomes a safe haven for the bacteria that are responsible for the bad breath. Therefore, brush and floss your teeth more often.
  • Mouth Rinsing –> A good mouth mist can be an added protection that you can opt for. It not only removes the rest of the bacteria but also leaves a minty and fresh taste in the mouth that makes you feel good.
  • Tongue Scraping –> Nothing is worse than the white tongue. Speaking of, it is the primary reason why your breath stinks. You must know that an unclean tongue is good land for the bacteria that cause stinky breath. Try a scraper and gently scrape your tongue.
  • Keep foods at arm’s length that ruins the freshness of your breath –> Garlic and onions are the biggest sinners. Even if you brushed your teeth after eating them — wouldn’t be of any help. They have substances that enter your bloodstream and through the stream, go all the way to your lungs. Hence, the bad breath.
  • Quit Tobacco –> I know, easier said than done, especially if you’re an avid tobacco consumer. However, a bit of a will and patience practice can do miracles. Nicotine patches can help you in curbing the urge. If the urge persists, prescription medications can help in quitting it.
  • Chew Gum after Dinner –> Go for sugarless gum that stimulates your saliva. Saliva is a natural defense system that neutralizes plaque acids. Not to mention, plaque acid is the biggest culprit that decays teeth and causes bad breath.
  • Take Care of your Gums –> Gums in bad shape can cause bad breath. Bad gums welcome bacteria that get settled in base pockets of teeth. In case your gums are diseased, try consulting your dentist. The dentist may refer you to a periodontist for further treatment.
  • Hydrate your Mouth –> When your mouth is not making enough saliva, it may decay your teeth and adds stink to your breath. If your mouth remains dry often, try hydrating it by drinking ample water during the day.

These are some of the advice that a medical practitioner could give you if you’re struggling with bad breath. Besides, you can choose a good quality mouth mist as well. You must know that the market is filled with various products, serving the same purpose.

However, for complete oral hygiene, I’d suggest you go with the products based on the Molecular Iodine (I2) content.

Why only Molecular Iodine (I2) for Oral Hygiene?

A news article published in dentistrytoday.com on December 10, 2020, stated that Molecular Iodine (I2) outperforms other alternatives in killing the SARS-COV-2 virus.

A Study Conducted at the Institute of Antiviral Research — Utah State University

The State University compared four oral rinses to test the antiviral efficacy. The test collaborated with IoTech International. As per the ADA’s recommendation in interim COVID-19 guidance, hydrogen peroxide was kept at 1.5 % and povidone-iodine percentage was kept at 0.2 percent.

As the test demanded, it also consisted of an oral rinse of Molecular Iodine which required ADA Seal of Acceptance with 012% chlorhexidine gluconate. The test was conducted at a Level 3 Biocontainment Laboratory by the researchers.

The test was meant to determine the cytotoxicity and the antiviral efficacy of each rinse. The only rinse that showed full effectiveness against the SARS COV-2 virus was Molecular Iodine (I2). Molecular Iodine (I2) was kept at 100ppm and was effective within 30 seconds.

Cytotoxicity Test Result

Where Hydrogen Peroxide and Chlorhexidine Gluconate were both found toxic, Povidone Iodine and Molecular Iodine (I2) showed no toxicity at all.

Bottom line

Molecular Iodine (I2)-based oral hygiene products are more reliable when it comes to zero to no harm to human beings. Therefore, if you want to keep yourself from bad breath, better choose a mouth mist having Molecular Iodine (I2) as the main ingredient.




A good mouth mist can be an added protection that you can opt for. https://in.i2shoppe.com/