IIC weekly report- week of 2018–05–14

Intelligent Investment Chain
3 min readMay 20, 2018


The Intelligent Investment Chain connects the three cities and lays out a comprehensive international market.

On May 12, 2018 at 16:00, IIC was officially launched on LBank Exchange, which accelerates the strategic layout of globalization. From 12th of may to 19th May till 16:00, users who trade IIC on LBank platform will have opportunity to receive super grand prizes.

After getting launched on LBank, IIC was also launched on RightBTC on May 15th ( Dubai Based Exchange) and also will be launched on Huobi Korea on May 18th, thereby connecting the three cities and deploying the global market plan. In future, IIC will continue to expand its base on the communities’s feedback and support, also sharing the development of the project to rapidly promote and provide investors with greater value and returns thereby truly realizing the importance of automation and intelligent investment.

Tang Yiduan- CEO of IIC, goes to Vancouver for a road show.

On May 13th 2018, Tang Yiduan — founder of IIC, held a road show in Vancouver on the theme “Meeting Vancouver, talking about the future of digital asset management.” The event has attracted the attention of many people in the Vancouver, after which IIC will establish an operation center in Vancouver, which will provide a good basis for the international layout of the Intelligent Investment Chain.

Mr. Wang Shibin met with President of China Min Financial Group.

On May 9th 2018, Wang Shibin, co-founder of IIC, met with Wang Dongzhi, president of China min Financial Group. (Note: CMF is a listed company on the Hong Kong main board and is an overseas investment platform for CMI.) Both sides agreed to establish a more credible and secure all-asset trading platform overseas.

Community progress.

As of this week , the members of official telegram group have increased to 18.6k in Chinese group and 9.4k in the global group. Join the global group to get free IIC !! (Telegram group : https://t.me/iichain02 )

Recently, the Global Telegram Group of the IIC has gradually become active and ushering in many Korean friends. They are looking forward to the upcoming meet-ups and events.

Project Progress.

  • Intelligent Investment App product development in process.

During last week’s development, a potential security vulnerability was found that could lead to the theft of lock token in the polling period. we solved this problem by the method of private key separation.

  • IICPay App Security Specification and Design in Progress (70%)

Blockchain-related security training was conducted internally, and developers, testers and operations personnel were all familiar with blockchain security, And formed a security awareness consensus, we also organized the code cross-security audit work, to ensure that the security risks are eliminated in the test environment.

  • IICPay App version 1.1 Interactive Logic Change Development in process(60%).

Main completion of interface debugging, some Caton interfaces are highlighted, Finding that bitcoin is special in checking balances and trading flows, we found a solution by flipping through github’s issue, which is currently being tested.

  • IIC ibft consensus protocol hot swap test (40%).

The basic data communication and data consensus parts have been tested, and robust tests and the development of complex data consensus mechanisms are ongoing.

  • Type selection of data storage methods for Intelligent Investment Chain(100%).

Comparing the dereferenced persistent storage like leveldb, redis, sqlite, and mongodb for serialization, We ended up choosing mongodb as the persistent storage method, as mongodb is larger than the previous ones in the size of the data store. mongodb is ecologically good and easy to implement horizontal sharding.

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