SECURIX — Get Monthly Passive Income by Joining the Bitcoin Mining Company Industry

Iim Rohimah
4 min readOct 28, 2018


SECURIX — Mining Bitcoin is almost the same as mining precious stone assets. In addition to the very limited stock, people are mining it to have Bitcoin assets which in the future will become a rare digital currency. The more rare and valuable, the higher the value in the future.

We know that mining Bitcoin requires enormous energy and adequate expertise. It takes a lot of hardware, employees, very large cables, very large electricity, and most importantly capital and great expertise. Then Bitcoin mining cannot be run by everyone. Only certain people have special capital and expertise.

Securix is ​​a Bitcoin mining industry company in the Netherlands that offers the opportunity to benefit from mining to all people from all walks of life. Securix offers security in transactions, transparent and reliable costs. You can visit the official website at

Securix supported by Fintech Capital BV will mine Bitcoin using ASIC miners with special facilities. Unlike most companies, where investors will be offered gross income so there are no hidden costs.

How does Securix work for you?

Securix with special facilities on the Dutch coast will mine Bitcoin using mining hardware, which is the latest mining tool called ASIC and has not been selected. The device is also supported by renewable energy making it more environmentally friendly and economical. At the end of each month starting in January 2019, SRXIO token holders will receive an automatic payment of 45% of total mining revenue (before deducting) adjusted to the number of tokens held by investors. The founder gets 15% and will not be able to sell until October 2019 so that the project is guaranteed to be completed.

After that, investors will get access to the Securix Mega Vault mobile application after the token is released. In addition to functioning as a wallet, Securix Mega Vault also enables all SRXIO tokens to include output balance, hashing power and monthly mining volume, and Securix update news. Some of the remaining profits will also be reinvested in new hardware so the company continues to operate properly. At the same time, SRXIO will be burned while Securix runs a repurchase program. If the next process is more profitable, the hardware will then be used to mine Bitcoin Cash instead.

The excellence of Securix from Other Similar Projects

Securix is ​​managed by a reliable team with a strong background in financial services and blockchain technology. The Fintech Capital BV company also has many partners in the Dutch business world. In addition, the company’s climate is very beneficial because in the Netherlands it has relatively a cool economic climate, stable political conditions, good business laws in a profitable sense, a very adequate electricity supply, and the fastest internet connection in Europe. Most importantly there is a gross profit sharing system so that development is not complicated, along with extensive company documentation, so that it promises a very high standard of transparency.

The building used by Securix is ​​a facility that supports the advantages too. The acquired building is a former sugar factory with a low room temperature because of the thick walls so as to keep the temperature from being too hot due to the influence of the environment and the mining process itself. Therefore, mining operations will be environmentally friendly and very efficient to run.

Token Sale Information

Although the value of Bitcoin is currently declining, in theory, Bitcoin will be scarce in the future. Its value will remain good and will likely rise again in the future. In addition, Securix is ​​worth considering because of its advantages in transparency and high credibility. For complete information about Securix and the Project, you can visit the following link:









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Iim Rohimah

Iam a blogger, bounty hunter, and young lecture in Indonesia.