IOTA’s obvious drawbacks and why IIoT Telecom is different

IIoT Telecom
7 min readFeb 12, 2018


Everyone has seen the success of IOTA, which successfully got on with ICO and currently has had a capitalization of several billion dollars. And now, a lot of enthusiastic fans of this cryptocurrency with a sinking heart following to the news about.

But is IOTA doing so well in terms of applicability to the real Economy? Where can it find its application? Is it easy to integrate the Protocol Tangle with directed acyclic graph DAG in IoT and Industrial IoT solutions ? Let’s try to find it out.

What is IoT?

IoT is an ecosystem where Client and Server or Servers interact. It focuses on the transmission of the requests and receives information from one side to the other. The Client may be a computer, tablet, mobile phone and any other control device requesting these services.

To qualify the service requests as the true IoT, it is necessary to turn to the most typical symptoms:

- Increased user comfort has been created in the IOT ecosystem;

- The IoT ecosystem deliver a performance and production yield;

- The IoT ecosystem reduces maintenance and / or maintenance costs.

Only when all three of these points are done, it can be admitted that it is the IoT ecosystem.

Read more about IoT and IIoT (

The fist drawback of IOTA.

It is seemed strange, but the first drawback lies into the main advantage of IOTA. This is the difficulty of the Tangle Protocol with directed acyclic Dag Graph.

I will not describe here how it works in detail. You can read it in the WP IOTA. Just look at the picture.

In the ecosystem IOTA, each node communicates and commits to each other based on the algorithm of PoW. In which IoT service such interaction may be needed? Let’s fantasize, and ask Elon Reeve Musk about the future of the IoT Services. For example:

- Cars without a driver. But they interact with the Central server 90%, and only 10% with each other;

- The fridge that orders the food. 100% interacts with the Central server, and does not interact with other fridges at all;

- Robots-androids. Either stand-alone or 90% interoperate with the Central server, and most likely do not interact with each other.

It turns out that IoT and IIoT services do not require such nodes interaction — to each other. Why IOTA has established such Protocol and where can it be applied? I have no answer.

What IIoT Telecom creates.

We’ve found out that in fact in IoT/IIoT about 90% of the interaction occurs Client-Server. The idea is simple — why not create a decentralized Server or a decentralized Platform. And only this platform will store data in the Blockchain, freeing the end Nodes (Clients) from the excessive need for peer-to-peer interaction. Then the interaction will look like this:

The speed of transactions will increase by itself — there is no excessive complexity. Cryptocurrency payments are also made on the principle of a Client — Decentralized Server. If there is no excessive interaction — no need to solve the problems associated with it.

The second drawback of IOTA.

The basis of IOTA is Ledger of Things, which allows participants to carry out transactions with zero Commission. This is one of the main advantages of IOTA — it makes it easy to carry out microtransactions, as commissions usually make small money transfers too expensive. Wait, we’re talking about drawbacks, right?

In the very beginning, IOTA was created and positioned as a cryptocurrency to avoid the drawbacks of Bitcoin, for fast and cheap payments. Exactly orientation for micropayments, but still based on the algorithm of PoW. It is written on the main page of the IOTA’s site that they develop a self-regulating peer-to — peer network, and even it confirms that

IOTA is primarily only a cryptocurrency, and just in the second — everything connected IoT.

Internet of Things is not only crypto payments, it is a huge exchange of various information. We have already found out that the interaction should be Node-Server, which is also self-regulating. Besides of cryptocurrency payments in the IoT/IIoT there are passed a huge amount of information — state of sensors, service team management, information feeds, analysis of information from the servers and etc. And there is the basis of IoT. How is IOTA going to transfer this data? There is no answer in it’s WP. And why everybody keep talking about small fee, keep thinking that it’s IoT ? I have no answer.

Of course, IOTA at some moment realized everything and has been trying to redeploy the iceberg to the other side –by releasing various add –such CognIOTA or trying to create different Data Marketplace in order to find useful applications.

What IIoT Telecom creates.

It Telecom company initially focused on the correct transfer of data from Nodes to a Decentralized Server in IIoT and only then — on micro-payments, which are not really critical for IIoT. Of course, they are important. But payments may not be made immediately, and they can done in only Client — Decentralized Server direction, still using cryptocurrency. Do we need additional difficulty?

Our team focuses on the development of algorithms for processing data from sensors, meters and analysis of this information, as well as performing actions based on analysis. This is the real IoT.

The third drawback of IOTA.

Let’s suppose, that all that previously written — stuff, and IOTA is really greate. IOTA has made an excellent standard in the field of IoT, because IOTA is focused on the development of such protocols and standards. Let’s ask — how to attract Customers? Where to find them, how much resources are needed? Where is the strategy to promote these IOTA’s standards? There is no answer in IOTA’s WP.

As it turns out, IOTA has been developing great Protocols for …. Protocols?

Which might be applicable somewhere tomorrow? At first they created Protocols, and then began to think what to do with them.

Do you know how many standards in the real world produce organizations such as IEEE, 3GPP, ITU-T and etc. Thousands. And half of these standards are not in demand, because the world is not changing as we would like. IOTA made a single standard. What will happen to it tomorrow?

There is nothing about IOTA’s Customers in it’s WP. Who are they? Even if they will be found, they don’t need such a complicated peer-to-peer Protocol. How to attract Customers, how make them use the Services? There is no answer.

What IIoT Telecom creates.

It Telecom is initially focused only on the needs of the Clients, and only then on the technologies that is adapted to these Clients’ needs.

The whole world — Vodafone, Google, Uber — they are all Customer oriented. If you read the documents’ IIoT Telecom — we have written everywhere about the Clients — WP, BP, Services. In BP is written, how attracts Clients.

One of the interesting moment how attract Clients. When they are using the services IIoT Telecom, they can receive a Commission in Crypto Coins on their wallets. How many times use Services — so many times they can receive CryptoCoins. The second feature — the Franchise, our representatives in each country, who earns commissions even more by selling services IIoT Telecom.

While IOTA develops standards, we work with the Client.

The forth drawback of IOTA.

What does IOTA earn on?

We have found out that they are focused on creating protocols, has known nothing about the Clients and it is not clear in what IoT Services they can use their experience. Worldwide organizations like IEEE, 3GP are non-commercial; they release standards for free and do not make money on it.

It turns out that in the real sector IOTA is not clear for use. And IOTA is focused on micro-payments.

What does it turn out, earnings only from speculation on the crypto stock exchange? Will not repeat the story of Madoff Investment Securities? I hope will not.

What IIoT Telecom creates.

Our IIoT Services are in demand today. We don’t have to ask Elon Musk where our algorithms will be applied tomorrow. It is today’s Services. And the growth of our capitalization — only from the increasing Customer’s demand, not speculative, but real consumers of services.

Of course, not everything is so bad with a IOTA. With a huge investment, it is possible in the future to develop anything. And maybe IOTA will develop very dynamically. And I think it’s a great cryptocurrency.

But for now there are a lot of drawbacks in IOTA using in IoT.

If you look, the IOTA website is black. That is why IIoT Telecom tried to make the site white. We’re different.

Compare for yourself

P.S. Pre-ICO starts Febrary 19, 2018. Join!

