Falling Victim to AI-Based Deepfake Calls: A New Breed of Scam

Karthik Karunakaran, Ph.D.
3 min readJul 19, 2023

In an era where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, it’s disheartening to witness how criminals are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to deceive unsuspecting individuals. A recent incident in Kerala serves as a stark reminder of the ever-evolving landscape of scams, as a man fell victim to an AI-based deepfake call, resulting in a loss of Rs 40,000. This incident marks the first of its kind in the state, highlighting the disturbing trend of fraudsters exploiting AI to create fake videos that can deceive even the most vigilant individuals.

Understanding AI-Based Deepfake Calls

To comprehend the extent of this alarming deception, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of an AI-based deepfake call. This scam employs sophisticated AI technology to fabricate audio or video recordings, effectively impersonating someone known to the victim. Fraudsters cunningly pose as friends or family members, exploiting their familiarity to manipulate emotions and coerce unsuspecting victims into divulging sensitive information or parting with their hard-earned money.

The Dark Art of Deepfake Creation

The creation of deepfakes relies on a technique called facial reenactment, enabled by the remarkable capabilities of AI. By meticulously mapping the facial movements of one individual onto another using audio or video recordings, fraudsters can produce eerily convincing replicas that blur the lines between reality and falsehood. The seamless nature of these manipulations makes it exceptionally challenging to discern whether a call recording is genuine or a product of deceitful ingenuity.

The Global Rise of AI-Based Deepfake Calls

Regrettably, AI-based deepfake calls have proliferated worldwide, exploiting the accessibility and affordability of the technology involved. Scammers capitalize on publicly available photographs from social media platforms, utilizing them as the foundation for their deceitful endeavors. By extracting additional information such as mutual friends’ names, they construct a web of deception that further convinces victims of their authenticity.

Protecting Yourself from AI-Based Deepfake Call Scams

As individuals navigating a digital landscape fraught with peril, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and well-informed about the threats that lurk in the shadows. Protecting ourselves from AI-based deepfake call scams requires adopting a skeptical mindset and implementing proactive measures:

1. Maintain Healthy Skepticism: Approach calls from unknown or unexpected sources with suspicion. If someone claims to be a friend or acquaintance, but their identity remains uncertain, challenge them by asking personal questions that only the genuine individual would know.

2. Swiftly Cut Ties: Should you harbor even the slightest suspicion that a call may be a deepfake, the most prudent course of action is to terminate the conversation immediately. Refrain from answering subsequent calls originating from that particular number, as doing so may expose you to further manipulation.

3. Awareness is Key: Stay informed about the latest trends and developments in AI-based scams. Remain updated on techniques employed by fraudsters and educate your loved ones about the risks they may encounter.

The disheartening incident in Kerala, where an innocent individual fell victim to an AI-based deepfake call, serves as a stark reminder of the growing threat posed by digital deception. As criminals continue to exploit the advancements in AI, we must adapt and fortify our defenses against these sophisticated scams. By cultivating skepticism, promptly severing ties with suspicious callers, and staying informed, we can safeguard ourselves and those around us from the clutches of this insidious breed of deception. Let us remain vigilant, for only by doing so can we hope to outsmart the ever-evolving tactics of those who seek to exploit us.



Karthik Karunakaran, Ph.D.

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