User flow: A Process in UX design

Eti Ijeoma
2 min readFeb 12, 2020


User flows, UX flows, or flowcharts, as they are sometimes called, are diagrams that display the complete path a user takes when using a product. it is also a visual representation of the path created by a visitor on a website or application to complete a given task

The first step to take before designing screens for an application or website is knowing the users and having a great understanding of the purpose of the digital product. some examples of goals may be for the customer to subscribe to a service on your platform(as in the case of Taxify or Edenlife) or a customer purchasing goods from an online store.

These two aspects are the ingredients for making good user flows. Basically this diagram helps you design the path that your users will have to go through to get the value they are looking for. The flowchart begins with the consumer’s entry point on the product, like an onboarding screen or homepage, and ends with the final action or outcome, like purchasing a product or signing up for an account.

Each touchpoint on the user’s journey is represented by a node in the flow chart. These nodes are characterized by shape, and each shape indicates a particular process. For instance, a diamond means a decision is being made and is therefore followed by “Yes” and “No” arrows. A rectangle indicates a task or action that needs to be taken, like “Log in” or “Display”.

The essence of user flow in UX Design

  1. User flows enhance the ease of movement on your platform ensuring the user doesn’t waste time trying to figure out where a particular feature is placed or what to do next.
  2. User flows are also a great way for clients to understand the site’s architecture.


The mark of a successful website or application lies in the intuitiveness of its design, The ability of the user to flow with ease through the interphase without being confused. This encourages users to patronize the product again. At the same time, flowcharts and UX flow assist other members of the design team and easily communicate the layout of an interface to partners and investors.

