10 Best Mobile App Development Frameworks

Ijaz Khan
7 min readMar 1, 2022


Businesses with a well-established mobile application and those seeking to develop a new mobile phone app require thorough research, strategy formulation, thorough planning, and studying the current mobile landscape to thrive in a fast-paced digital marketplace. There are many mobile app development frameworks on the market, and we’ll review the top ones among those! Native applications are costly to develop and maintain while offering unrivaled experience regarding appearance and performance. Native apps are the best user engagement is a challenge because of the wide variety of platforms and channels. The solution is to utilize the app development framework to build an online, hybrid, or cross-platform mobile application for businesses at a cost.

10 Best Mobile App Development Frameworks

What is a Mobile App Framework?

Businesses have proven that mobile apps are the best method to expand their client base. It’s never been a shortage of new app ideas. Every aspect worked to the advantage of businesses that developed applications. You don’t have to be proficient in complex computer languages to build an application. There are a variety of frameworks for developing apps on iOS or Android. All you need is a good understanding the web-based languages, such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.

A mobile framework for app development is a software development platform that includes tools, software including compilers, debugging tools, and programming interfaces, among others. So, the developer writes the application’s source code and the framework and then uses these elements to build the application to run on various mobile devices. Additionally, mobile frameworks can be classified into three categories that include native Apps, Web Apps & Hybrid Apps. Before we move on, we’ll take a glance at the three categories.

  • Native Applications: A Native App is specifically designed to work on a particular system or platform.
  • Web Applications: A Web App is concerned with an application created to display websites on various platforms, allowing access to all devices.
  • Hybrid Apps: A Hybrid app can be described as combining both native and web-based applications. It can be built on any platform using an identical codebase.

1. Swiftic

Swiftic is the most efficient mobile app development framework available on the iOS platform. It has an easy-to-use interface. Utilizing Swiftic is an excellent choice because you will get a 30-day money-back guarantee for all plans. Additionally, it comes with a six-month warranty of success. If you don’t see any outcome, the 6-month period is completely free.

The most notable aspects include:

The interesting push notifications

Be a loyal customer by using the loyalty card

Build your mobile store

Coupons in-app

2. Native Scripts

Native Scripts can be described as an open-source framework that allows you to build native mobile applications that incorporate Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, CSS, and Vue.js.

Native Script is an excellent method to minimize the code and the applied load to the operating system.

Many top companies are fond of Native Scripts for its robust web-based empowerment platform.

A few of Native Scripts features are:

  • Native User Interface with no Web Views
  • Direct access to Android and iOS APIs
  • Application that runs on multiple platforms.
  • Mission-critical Business support
  • Backend Support Robust

3. React Native

React Native is the best JavaScript library for building native applications for any device and platform. Through React Native, you can build rich apps that work on both iOS and Android. It can also be used to create specific platform versions of components, allowing a single codebase on different platforms. It is a community-driven JS library that Facebook first introduced in 2018.

A few of React Native features are:

  • Low-code
  • Third-party plugins that are compatible with the system.
  • Declarative API to provide the use of predictive user interface
  • Supports iOS and Android

4. Xamarin

Xamarin is the Best framework for mobile apps, and its .Net is built upon. Microsoft developed this native platform. As a cross-platform, open-source platform for building apps, Xamarin offers a development ecosystem with API, backend components, and so on. It’s a .Net developer platform supported by a variety of library tools and programming languages. By using Xamarin programmers, developers can develop native applications using the assistance of a vibrant community of developers for Android and tvOS, watchOS, iOS, macOS, and Windows.

A few of the Xamarin attributes include:

  • A vibrant community of more than 60,000 contributors
  • Flexible backend infrastructure
  • Diagnostic tools
  • Application loader
  • Android SDK manager
  • Storyboard files
  • Google emulator manager

5. Ionic

Ionic lets you build interoperable hybrids with Progressive Web Applications along with cross-platform apps. The open-source framework provides premium solutions for developing applications. Ionic allows you to build apps for web platforms, Android, and iOS. In addition, when working with Ionic, it is possible to constantly create apps and send applications to locations that can be deployed. Ionic Studio is the lightning version of Ionic, and it’s pretty intense. It can be installed locally for a quick and easy interactive development tool.

With its standard capabilities, ionic is always seen as a superior platform over other frameworks for mobile app development.

One of the Ionic features include:

  • Intuitive UI components
  • Faster development time
  • Powerful & stable development platform
  • An evergreen community, comprising 5 million developers
  • Complete control over the development of apps

6. Sencha Ext JS

Formerly named Sencha, it was later combined with Ext JS, and now the new name was Sencha Ext JS. This is a JavaScript framework to build apps that require data for web and mobile devices. It also functions as an all-platform mobile development framework. Ext JS itself has more than 115 fully integrated and highly-performing UI components. A few of these components include HTML5 calendars, pivot grids, trees, grids, D3 adapters, lists menus, forms, windows, toolbars, and panels. Furthermore, Sencha offers hundreds of extensions for users.

A few among the Sencha Ext JS features are:

  • Can handle millions of pieces of data
  • Strong analytics
  • Flexible layout systems
  • Visual data representation
  • State-of-the-art Data-Driven Documents package (D3)

7. Onsen UI

Onsen UI is widely regarded as the most effective tool in developing complex mobile applications. It can create stunning HTML applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It also works with libraries such as Angular JS1, Angular 2+, React, and Vue. What makes it worth mentioning about this platform is its ability to adapt to alter the look of the app depending on the forum. For instance, if we would like to get a native appearance to both iOS and Android, it uses the automatic styling feature on UI components. Its extensive collection of UI components includes tabs lists, stack navigation, and forms.

The most notable features include,

  • Zero time set up
  • Easy to use and simple to master
  • Time-efficient and cost-effective development

8. Flutter

Flutter is a UI toolkit developed by Google aids in creating native apps for the web mobile, desktop, and. The UI toolkit comes with fully customizable widgets that enable native applications in a relatively short amount of time. Additionally, Flutter’s layering architecture allows for speedier processing of the components. One of the most notable Flutter characteristics are:

  • Built-in material design
  • Built-in Cupertino (iOS-flavour) widgets
  • Rich motion APIs
  • It supports both iOS and Android
  • Strong support for widgets
  • High-performance application

9. Corona

Corona can be described as a multi-platform, open-source development framework. It is ideal for developing applications and games. Corona is also known by its name as a 2D game engine. With Corona, it is possible to create applications for mobile and desktop. Corona supports iPhone, iPad, tablets, Amazon Fire, Android phones, Mac Desktop, Windows Desktop, and others. In addition, you can create compatible apps to work with Fire TV, Apple TV, and Android TV.

A few of the striking Corona highlights include:

  • Lua-based platform that is a powerful and lightweight scripting language that is ideal for games
  • Multiple plugins to suit every need
  • Strong API support for integration with native libraries of any kind.
  • Faster development process
  • Exceeding 500,000 Corona developers

10. JQuery Mobile

JQuery Mobile is a user interface system that is based on HTML5. The web is optimized for touch and created extremely responsive apps for tablets, smartphones, and desktops. JQuery mobile comes with ThemeRollar with highly customizable themes. In addition, ThemeRollar, the top mobile app development framework, lets you develop highly distinctive websites.

A few JQuery features include:

  • Built on JQuery Core
  • Lightweight size
  • Configured using HTML5
  • Automatic initialization
  • A robust framework for theming
  • Simple API

Closing words

In analyzing various aspects like the operating system used, its development speed, and many more, we’ve created this list of the best frameworks for mobile app development. Mobile application development is constantly evolving from a single platform app to a cross-platform app. As a result, mobile application development trends have seen a vital paradigm shift regarding code, script platforms, platforms, integration of the development process, and deployment. As we move towards hybrid, Native, and advancing web-based applications and technologies such as IoT, AI, ML, Blockchain are adapted to offer the most efficient, secure, and user-friendly experience. It will be fascinating to observe how hybrid our applications will be with this rapid technological advancement.
Useful Resources: Top 7 Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022



Ijaz Khan

Professional Mobile app developer and believes in highly optimized code.