Ijaz Khan
6 min readApr 18, 2022

10 Open Source Swift UI Libraries For iOS App Development

Open Source Swift Libraries are expanding rapidly as Swift gets more advanced. They’ll help make your code more robust and responsive and let you launch iOS projects much faster. Best iPhone app developer London has integrated the most available open-source libraries, such as SnapKit, MapKit, ChartKit, etc. Based on their experience with mobile development and experience, they are introducing the most well-known and often utilized iOS libraries. They are all accessible under the MIT license and available on Github. We have compiled the top open-source Swift UI Libraries that you could use to start your new iOS project in the following article.

10 Open Source Swift UI Libraries For iOS App Development

To communicate with servers, in addition to using the built-in class URLSession in iOS, there are a variety of libraries designed to reduce the amount of effort required for this job. The most well-known iOS libraries are Alamofire, and it is definitely. It is so widely used that when it is mentioned that the HTTP network on iOS is mentioned, developers immediately begin to think of Alamofire, and the reverse is true. The library implements client-server connectivity methods that are written in Swift. These methods allow sending async requests to URLs and receiving the corresponding responses. In addition, it contains some elements such as Alamofire Network Activity Indicator or Alamofire Image. Find the official documentation for it here.

2. SnapKit:

SnapKit is, without doubt, one of the most effective swift UI libraries. It lets iOS developers alter auto-layout constraints using shortcode. This library streamlines the layout process to a minimal amount of lines of code while still ensuring readability and comprehension. The massive iOS Community around the SnapKit open-source project is a positive aspect. It is generally believed that SnapKit provides the best solution to the age-old issue of “should we set up UI in storyboards or programmatically? “With SnapKit, it is possible to combine both options without worrying about complicated and messy code. Learn more on SnapKit here for more information.

3. SwiftLint:

With SwiftLint, The worry of code smells obsolete. It’s a tool for purifying your code source. It includes syntax rules or best practice styles that can follow to maintain a high-quality bar throughout your Swift codebase. If your projects adhere to specific codes of code can be more easily maintained and expanded. Furthermore, iPhone app developer London will be able to integrate the codebase into their work and easily adjust to your group’s high standards.

4. Firebase:

If you are looking to develop a client-server application, two aspects must take care of: the frontend and the backend (a.k.a full stack) development. Writing code for the backend (server) is challenging for mobile developers and takes up a lot of time and effort. To cut down on time spent backend programming, Firebase is the perfect solution for backend side support.

Firebase offers quite many backend capabilities. It is not just a way to save server costs, but it can also handle real-time databases. The templates we provide for our apps utilize the Firebase backend library. Firebase serves as the backend; therefore, if you purchase our templates for apps, you don’t have to be concerned about the backend code. These are a few things you can accomplish using the Firebase backend:

  • User authentication (including Logins to Facebook, Github, or Google)
  • Management of databases (Firestore)
  • Large files can be stored (such as videos and images) using Firebase Storage
  • Push Notifications using Firebase Messaging

. Advertising to generate revenue using Firebase AdMob

  • Analytics & Crash Reports

They can be integrated directly into Our Swift application, meaning you have all of these capabilities without writing just one piece of backend programming.

5. Kingfisher:

Kingfisher is an open-source Swift library that allows the downloading of pictures directly from URLs (over the internet) and then storing them in memory and on disks on the device.

Image caching is an essential performance aspect of any iOS application. By downloading images from the network only once, your mobile app becomes quicker, more efficient, and requires fewer data from users, saving costs for your users. This library can enhance UX dramatically and allow users to benefit from the latest performance enhancements using an API for custom categories that come with UIImage View. View also enables image placeholders to.

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6. Charts:

“Charts” is an open-source Swift library that offers visualizing data capabilities. Because displaying and comparing data on tables is tedious, this library provides a great alternative. Charts can enhance your mobile app by making it more appealing and user-friendly. We’ve written an extensive Swift instruction on utilizing the Charts library within Swift that contains all types of charts you may require.

7. Realm:

Utilizing Core Data is no easy task for Swift. Core Data has a complicated API and comes with an expensive cost to ramp up on Core Data. There is a consensus Core Data should avoid. Core Data should avoid, and that other data management methods should be employed instead. This is the point where Realm is a factor.

Moving between Core Data to Realm will provide you with a more efficient solution to manage persistent data. Realm will be aiming to replace SQLite and Core Data for iOS app development. Compared to the older storage and databases, Realm has many advantages, including user-friendliness, speedier queries, and more straightforward and more intuitive data management. With all these advantages, Realm is becoming more and more well-known. Additionally, it’s open-source, and the references are well-written. Therefore, the process of learning Realm is easy for iOS developers.

8. Vapor:

If you’re interested in learning backend programming but don’t wish to learn another language and programming language, then Vapor is the best choice. Vapor lets you write backend code from the server-side using Swift. Vapor is a straightforward syntax that is quickly learned and used by anyone who is an iOS engineer. In addition, since it is based upon Swift and Xcode, it provides you with the feeling of being familiar with it. The Vapor community is massive and positive. Therefore, it’s only a matter until it becomes more popular in the future.

The main benefit of Vapor’s API is that it is simple to comprehend and eliminates dependence on third-parties as Vapor is the unique Swift parser. This lets Vapor developers make their APIs easy to understand and keep their methods in line with Swift standards.

9. RxSwift:

RxSwift, as well as RxCocoa, are both parts of Functional Reactive Programming (“ReactiveX” or “Rx”) used in numerous platforms and languages. The key gain of this system is that it will let us observe and listen to an asynchronous process through ongoing events or data streams.

The current trend in programming for iOS currently is the MVVM pattern. “Data binding” is the most significant distinction in MVVM compared to MVP. This makes RxSwift an excellent library to implement (MVVM design).

RxCocoa is a framework for Cocoa APIs utilized in the OS platform. If you’ve ever worked with RxSwift or RxSwift, you must have also used RxCocoa. They make a great pair. Find the official document here.

10. Moya:

Alongside Alamofire, Moya is also an application that addresses network problems. It is an abstract class that sits at the top of the networking layer, which the programmers typically take care of. In essence, with Moya, it’s quicker to connect to APIs, and when you add its extensions, such as RxSwift and ModelMapper, the more complex part of this process is done. Moya isn’t very well-known with the vast group of developers and users, so only use it when you’re sure of the ropes.


We have compiled the top 10 most popular open-source Swift UI libraries that we strongly recommend you incorporate into every one of the Xcode projects. We employ these libraries in our iOS Templates and highly recommend them to every severe iOS developer. The iOS libraries will help your app between frontend development to the backend in the Realm of special effects and UI animations. We hope that you enjoyed the article. If you liked it, don’t forget to explore the Xcode templates to help you bootstrap your iOS app development. Best iphone app developer London in Otwosoft, LLC with 12+years’ experience providing efficient services. Happy Coding!

Ijaz Khan

Professional Mobile app developer and believes in highly optimized code.