8 Reasons Why Mobile Apps Are Better Than Website

Ijaz Khan
5 min readMar 29, 2022


The number of users who use mobile devices is higher than the number of computer users. This is why businesses have realized the necessity of using portable devices to attract customers. They’ve launched new ventures through mobile apps and websites. Although companies with a lot of money have the money to invest in both mobile apps and mobile websites, other businesses may need to decide between the two. The decision between apps for mobile and web-based sites depends on the amount they cost, their goals, and the people they cater to. However, research shows that users over mobile websites prefer mobile apps. This is a reason for having mobile apps for communicating with clients.

In addition, numerous other factors make mobile apps better than web-based sites.

8 Reasons Why Mobile Apps Are Better Than Website

Top 8 reasons why mobile apps are better than websites:

User Preferences:

The total number of apps downloaded reached a record-breaking 197 billion. In addition, the modern user runs an astounding nine apps per day on average. They spend the majority of their mobile time using these apps. These numbers are a testament to the considerable business opportunities for apps to be a means to increase customer satisfaction and drive revenues. Users love to download and use apps. Websites may be helpful methods for establishing recognition and engagement. However, they fail in later phases, when apps show their worth and increase retention rates.

Personalization Potential:

One of the most compelling advantages of using apps is that web-based websites cannot match their personalization capabilities. Apps can use mobile devices’ native features to deliver customized, quicker, and highly efficient user experiences (UX).

This is accomplished by gathering data about the users’ preferences, habits, locations, etc. Similar to this, apps are capable of monitoring and analyzing the behavior of users, which is essential to provide users with customized information and suggestions. Many apps allow users to choose their preferences straight away, and accessing customized content in this will be the best way.

Effective Monetization:

The creation of a positive experience can boost the revenue streams of apps. These days free apps are everywhere. They’re free to download and yet function as cash-making machines.

Their impressive success in the financial market is due to the quality of their products and the sophisticated methods of monetization used by major brands such as Appnext. There’s no shortage of possibilities to re-engage users, and it happens at the perfect time.

It is possible to do miracles to improve your bottom line using effective ads, UA-related campaigns, and promotional videos without negating UX.

A Powerful e-Commerce Tool:

In e-Commerce, mobile apps are taking websites out of the water. They’re superior when it comes to closing deals with potential buyers and leads, making them ahead of the competition in the purchase funnel.

It is believed that they have three times more conversions than mobile websites and 1.5x more than desktop. More than 40% of those who download an app for e-commerce buy something following the download.

Why does this happen? One benefit is that apps can save users’ data and eliminate having to fill out credentials each time. The app’s interface allows for simple checkouts with one click and quick loading times.

Easier Communication:

In addition, apps are an effective communication tool. In contrast, the open and click rates for other channels are decreasing. However, the rates of apps are rising. They are equipped with accessible features such as push and in-app notifications.

These essential tools allow brands to communicate with their customers in a less disruptive way instantly. App notifications can be the most reliable evidence because they are only displayed when an app is being used that shows a specific intention.

Push notifications start to appear regardless of what you do. Conversely, they can achieve reasonable click-through rates of40%.

Extra Features:

In addition, several other smartphones features provide apps with an advantage. Websites aren’t that great in terms of bringing multimedia content to users. They cannot use the device’s native functions like camera contacts, contact lists, phone calls, GPS, compass, etc.

However, this makes the experience of the app more exciting and engaging. This means that apps can reduce the efforts and time required to accomplish tasks.

For instance, one could take a picture of a receipt or document and not have to note everything down. Similar shortcuts that provide instant gratification are plentiful.

Offline Functionality:

One of the significant differences between apps and the mobile web is the latter’s capability to operate offline. True, most applications require internet connectivity, but the most basic features and content remain functional.

Think of the banking apps that perform tax and installment calculations when offline. This means that banks can offer the best value to customers anytime, anywhere.

We should not overlook the ever-present icons for apps that keep brands top of mind the mind of users. The app will always be at hand should someone require it.

Branding Benefits:

This leads us to the final factor: apps strengthen the brand’s image and increase awareness. As mentioned, the amount of time spent on apps increases and obscures internet usage. Each time you interact, using an app is an opportunity for companies to build trust and create loyalty.

In time, these frequent interactions affect brand perceptions and the behavior of users. In addition, since apps are distinct from the corporate website, apps could serve as a testing ground to test different strategies for branding. They could deviate from the general branding style and can be an eye-opener for new methods.

Wrap it up:

We are in the world of business, where mobile technology is first. Apps have many essential features and benefits which websites cannot provide.

Users not only lust after downloading them, but they are affected by their content. They are treated to personalized content, customized features, and customized environments.

The Mobile web isn’t keeping up, and soon it will shrink even more. Don’t delay in taking advantage of the opportunities.

Utilize mobile applications to engage with new customers and your existing customers. Improve the user experience, and increase the visibility of your brand’s image by 2022. It is also possible to read the Why mobile apps don’t work as a further read.



Ijaz Khan

Professional Mobile app developer and believes in highly optimized code.