Use Contabo for Plex as Hetzner Ban Alternative

Jeffery Harper
6 min readMar 17, 2024
Hetzner Alternative for Plex

In the cozy glow of my living room, the disappointment was palpable. My friends and I had gathered, popcorn in hand, ready to dive into our meticulously curated movie marathon weekend, only to be greeted by an unwelcome surprise. Our beloved Plex server, hosted on Hetzner, had suddenly become inaccessible. The sinking feeling was all too familiar to many in our little community — Hetzner, a popular choice for hosting Plex servers due to its reliability and affordability, had been banned by Plex. The ban left us scrambling, our digital treasure trove of movies and TV shows locked away.

The quest for a new home for our Plex server was fraught with uncertainty. Each option seemed like a gamble, with concerns about cost, performance, and reliability swirling in my mind. It was during this search for alternatives that I stumbled upon a gem — Contabo. Known for its competitive pricing and robust server options, Contabo appeared as a beacon of hope in a sea of confusion. This journey from frustration to discovery wasn’t just mine but shared by countless others in the Plex community, all seeking a new haven for their digital libraries.

Why Contabo?

Contabo for Affordable Plex Hosting

After the initial shock of Hetzner’s ban, the primary concern for most of us was finding an alternative that didn’t break the bank but still offered the reliability we had come to expect. Contabo emerged as a frontrunner in this quest. Here’s why:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Contabo is renowned for its competitive pricing structure, offering various VPS and dedicated server options that cater to different needs and budgets. This affordability makes it an attractive option for Plex server hosting, especially for those of us feeling the financial sting of unexpectedly needing to switch hosts.
  • Server Performance: High performance is crucial for a seamless Plex experience, particularly when streaming high-definition content. Contabo’s servers are equipped with modern hardware, ensuring smooth playback and quick access to your media library.
  • Storage Options: With Contabo, you have access to ample storage options, which is a boon for Plex users with large media libraries. The flexibility to upgrade storage space means your Plex server can grow with your collection.

Transitioning to Contabo: A Plex User’s Perspective

The sign-up process was straightforward. Contabo offers a clear breakdown of their plans, making it easy to choose the one that best fits your Plex needs.

Step 1: Choose Your Contabo VPS Plan

  1. Visit the Contabo website and navigate to the “VPS” section.
  2. Select a VPS plan that meets your requirements. For a Plex Media Server, consider the amount of CPU, RAM, and storage space. A plan with at least 4GB of RAM and a decent CPU should suffice for basic usage.
  3. Complete the purchase process by providing the necessary details and payment information.

Step 2: Install Windows on Your VPS

Once you’ve purchased your VPS, the next step is to install Windows. Contabo offers a variety of operating systems, including Windows Server editions.

  1. Access your Contabo Control Panel with the credentials provided via email after purchasing your VPS.
  2. Navigate to the “OS Re-Installation” section and select the Windows version you prefer. Windows Server editions are optimized for remote environments and could be a better choice for a Plex server.
  3. Initiate the installation by following the on-screen instructions. The process might take some time, so be patient.

Step 3: Connect to Your VPS via Remote Desktop

After Windows installation, you’ll need to connect to your VPS using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

  1. Launch the Remote Desktop Connection program on your local Windows computer. You can find it by searching for “Remote Desktop Connection” in the Start menu.
  2. Enter the IP address of your VPS (provided by Contabo in your server details email) and click “Connect”.
  3. Log in with your VPS credentials. These are the administrator username and password you set up or were provided after installing Windows on your VPS.

Step 4: Install Plex Media Server

Now that you’re connected to your Windows VPS, it’s time to install Plex.

  1. Open the web browser on your VPS and go to the Plex Media Server download page.
  2. Select the Windows version of Plex Media Server and click “Download”. Wait for the download to complete.
  3. Run the Plex Media Server installer. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Plex. Typically, this involves accepting the license agreement, choosing the installation directory, and completing the installation wizard.
  4. Launch Plex Media Server once the installation is complete. It will open in a web browser to guide you through the initial setup, including signing into your Plex account (or creating a new one), naming your server, and adding your media libraries.
Plex on Contabo

Step 5: Configure Plex Libraries

After setting up Plex Media Server, the final step is to add your media libraries.

  1. In the Plex web interface, navigate to “Libraries” and click “Add Library”.
  2. Choose the type of media for the library (e.g., Movies, TV Shows, Music) and give it a name.
  3. Add folders to your library. You’ll need to navigate to the directory where your media files are stored on your VPS and select it.
  4. Finish and let Plex scan your media files. This process can take some time, depending on the size of your library.

The Benefits of Hosting Plex on Contabo

Hosting your Plex server on Contabo comes with several key advantages:

  • Uptime and Reliability: Contabo boasts an impressive uptime record, ensuring that your Plex server remains accessible whenever you get the urge to dive into your media collection.
  • Global Data Centers: With data centers located in various parts of the world, Contabo ensures optimal performance and lower latency for international users, enhancing the streaming experience on your Plex server.
  • Scalability: As your Plex library grows, Contabo’s flexible upgrade options allow you to scale your server accordingly, without any hassle.
  • Supportive Community: The Contabo user community is a great resource for tips, tricks, and support, making it easier to manage your Plex server and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Related Questions and Answers

  • Can I migrate my entire Plex library to Contabo?
    Yes, you can migrate your entire Plex library to Contabo. The process involves transferring your media files to your new server and configuring Plex to recognize the new file paths.
  • Is Contabo suitable for first-time Plex server hosts?
    Absolutely! Contabo’s competitive pricing and user-friendly setup process make it an excellent option for first-time Plex server hosts.
  • How does Contabo’s pricing compare to other hosting providers?
    Contabo is known for its affordability, often offering more resources at lower prices compared to other hosting providers, making it a cost-effective option for hosting Plex servers.


The unexpected journey from Hetzner’s ban to discovering Contabo has been a mix of frustration and revelation. For those of us seeking a new haven for our Plex servers, Contabo offers a blend of affordability, performance, and reliability that’s hard to beat.

Whether you’re a long-time Plex user displaced by the ban or a newcomer looking to set up your first server, Contabo stands out as a solid choice.

