The unexpected joy of not charging my phone next to my bed

The one little hack that really will improve your life

Ikai Lan 藍奕凱
1 min readDec 4, 2017

I started plugging in my phone in another room entirely and relying on an alarm clock to wake me up early in the morning. It’s been great! Before I go to sleep, I never feel the urge to get out of bed and go check social media or read the news. When I wake up, I don’t spend minutes on minutes playing with my phone in bed before rolling out and starting my day. I’ve already clawed those minutes of my life back, not to mention reduce the possible impact of blue LEDs on my sleep quality.

I may have to change things up when I’m back on the PagerDuty rotation. But for now, for me, this single change has noticeably improved my life.



Ikai Lan 藍奕凱

I work on computer stuff at a company that does computer stuff too.