My Pebble is Steel Saving the Day in COVID-19

I used my old Pebbles as a QR Code storage for SafeEntry at frequented locations in Singapore during COVID-19 and a minimalistic desk clock

Will Ho
5 min readAug 5, 2020
Originally published at on July 29, 2020.

In 2018, I had the privilege of meeting a friend Lester who gave me his Pebble Time Steel as he has since moved on to Apple Watch. Two years in, this same watch I received is still serving me well, even in Singapore’s COVID-19 circuit breaker.

As Pebble web services shut down 4 years ago in 2016, I’ve switched the boot URL to point to Rebble web services instead, breathing new life into this watch.

Pebble for SafeEntry

For those who’re unfamiliar, SafeEntry is Singapore’s national digital check-in system that logs the identity and mobile numbers of individuals visiting places of interest (POI).

Those information along with the timestamp of visit would then be used for contact-tracing for prompt testing and quarantine should there be a risk of infection due to the presence of an infected individual at the same place and time.

Checking-in at a POI



Will Ho

Machine Learning Engineer by day, Self-hosting Addict by night. Follow me @ for the latest updates.