Benefits of Patenting Your Mobile App Business Model

Kashyap Rathod
4 min readOct 5, 2023


Benefits of Patenting Your Mobile App Business Model

In today’s digital age, mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily lives.

From social networking to productivity tools, mobile apps have transformed the way we interact with technology.

Behind every successful mobile app lies a well-structured mobile app business model.

In this blog, we will explore the world of mobile app business models, understand their significance, explore the benefits of patenting them, and discover How to patent an app idea.

What is a mobile app business model?

A mobile app business model is a strategic plan that outlines how a mobile app generates revenue and delivers value to its users.

It includes various aspects, including target audience, pricing strategy, revenue streams, and marketing approach. Essentially, it defines how the app will thrive in the competitive app ecosystem.

Why is it important to patent your mobile app business model?

Patenting your mobile app business model is crucial for several reasons:

1. Protection: A patent provides legal protection, preventing others from replicating your app’s unique features and monetization methods.

2. Competitive Advantage: A patented business model gives you a competitive edge in the market, allowing you to attract investors and partners.

3. Revenue Generation: Patented models can lead to licensing opportunities, enabling you to generate additional income.

4. Innovation Encouragement: Patents encourage innovation by rewarding inventors and creators, ultimately fostering growth in the tech industry.

Benefits of patenting a mobile app business model

Now that we understand why patenting is important, let’s explore the benefits:

1. Legal Protection: Patents offer exclusive rights to your business model, allowing you to take legal action against infringement.

2. Market Dominance: A patented business model can help you establish dominance in your niche, making it difficult for competitors to replicate your success.

3. Revenue Opportunities: Licensing your patented model to others can generate significant revenue streams.

4. Investor Attraction: Investors are more likely to invest in a mobile app with a patented business model due to its competitive advantage.

What are the different types of mobile app business models that can be patented?

Several mobile app business models can be patented, including:

1. Subscription Model: Apps that charge users a recurring fee for access to premium features or content.

2. Freemium Model: Offering a free basic version of the app with premium features available for purchase.

3. In-App Advertising: Generating revenue through ads displayed within the app.

4. E-commerce Model: Selling products or services directly through the app.

5. Marketplace Model: Creating a platform for buyers and sellers to interact, taking a commission on transactions.

6. Data Monetization: Collecting and selling user data (while adhering to privacy regulations).

Patents for App Ideas

To determine if your mobile app business model is patentable, consider the following factors:

1. Novelty: Your model should offer a unique approach or solution that hasn’t been previously patented.

2. Inventiveness: It should involve an inventive step that isn’t obvious to someone skilled in the field.

3. Utility: The model must have a practical application and deliver value to users.

4. Non-Obviousness: The model should not be an obvious combination of existing ideas.

5. Legal Requirements: Ensure your model complies with patent laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.

How to patent a mobile app business model

Now that you’ve determined your mobile app business model is patentable, let’s explore the steps to obtain a patent:

Step 1: Conduct a Patent Search

Start by conducting a comprehensive patent search to ensure your idea hasn’t been patented already. Use online patent databases and consult with a patent attorney for expert guidance.

Step 2: Draft a Patent Application

Work with a patent attorney to draft a detailed patent application. This document should include a clear description of your business model, its novelty, and its practical application.

Step 3: File Your Patent Application

Submit your patent application to the appropriate patent office. The process may vary by country, so consult with your attorney to ensure proper submission.

Step 4: Respond to Office Actions

During the examination process, the patent office may issue office actions seeking clarifications or modifications. Work with your attorney to respond promptly and effectively.

Step 5: Receive Your Patent

If your application is approved, you will receive a patent certificate, granting you exclusive rights to your mobile app business model for a specified period.

The benefits of patenting an app idea

Let’s dig deeper into the benefits of patenting app ideas:

Prevent others from copying your idea:

Patents provide exclusive rights, ensuring that no one can reproduce, distribute, or use your business model without your consent. This safeguards your unique approach to solving a problem or delivering a service.

Attract investors and partners:

Investors are more likely to support your venture when they see a well-protected business model. Patents can also facilitate partnerships with other businesses, enabling you to tap into additional resources and markets.

Increase the value of your mobile app:

A patented business model enhances your app’s perceived value in the eyes of users and potential buyers. It can command higher pricing, generate more revenue, and secure a stronger position in the market.

Deterrence against infringement:

Patent protection acts as a legal deterrent against competitors who may attempt to copy or imitate your business model. The threat of legal action can dissuade potential infringers.


Patenting your mobile app business model is a strategic move that can provide protection, competitive advantage, and revenue opportunities.

By understanding the process and following best practices, you can patent an app idea and safeguard your innovative ideas.

So, take the necessary steps to protect your mobile app business model and pave the way for success in the competitive world of mobile applications.



Kashyap Rathod

Kashyap is an experienced SEO Specialist with experience in multiple niche and industries.