Challenge 2: Wireframing.

Ike Muna
2 min readJul 17, 2023


For this challenge I decided to go with a product that I use daily, sometimes three or four times again; Duolingo. Duolingo is a language learning app which helps you keep track of your status by an intutive “path” page and also a scoreboard where you can see your score against other users in the same league. I have used the app for a few years on and off but about 300 days ago (I know because my streak is 334 days :)) I have been taking it much more seriously.

The pathway I choose is called “extending your streak”, on Duolingo a “streak” is the amount of consectuive days you have completed at minimum 1 exercise. It is one part of what makes the app so addictive as no one wants to ever lose their streak. I started off by drawing the path way forward using pen and paper (see below).

After that, I opened Figma and got to work. I initially was very worried as I was expecting this to be a long and very tedious task but found it surprisingly fun and kind of inspiring. I know this isnt the best prototype EVER but I am very proud I pushed myself to make it happen.

