Complete AWS CI/CD Pipeline

Ikenna Obijiaku
8 min readMar 14, 2023


DevOps Project-Project 3

Project Source: DevOps Project by Imran Teli

GitHub repo: Complete AWS CI/CD Project

AWS Services Used:

  • AWS Code Commit
  • AWS Code Build
  • AWS Code Deploy
  • AWS Beanstalk
  • AWS Simple Store Service (S3)
  • Amazon Relational Database System (RDS)

Project Architecture

Flow of Execution

  • Login to AWS account
  • Create key pair for Beanstalk instance login
  • Create Elastic Beanstalk Environment and Applications
  • RDS and App Setup on Beanstalk
  • Validating Elastic Beanstalk Environment and Applications Created
  • Build Artifact locally and Manual Deploy Artifact
  • Configure the application environment load balancer
  • Upload Artifact to Elastic Beanstalk
  • Create CodeCommit Repository
  • Code Build with build spec file
  • Create Pipeline and Deploy
  • Validate that the application deployed successfully
  • Test the endpoint URL and the login page

Step 1: Create Key pair for Beanstalk EC2 Login

Create a key pair that will be used to log in to Elastic Beanstalk. Navigate to EC2 on AWS console, select key pair, and click create key pair.


Ensure to note the location on your machine where the private key is downloaded as it will be needed to log in via SSH into the instance.

Step 2: Create Beanstalk Environment and Applications

Name: vprofile-App
Platform: Tomcat
keep default for platform branch and platform version
Application code: sample application
Click Configure more options:
select Custom configuration

Edit Instances
Root Volume (Boot Device): General Purpose(SSD)
Size: 8GB
EC2 SecGrp: vprofile-backend-SG
Keep others as default and save

Edit Capacity
InstanceType: t2.micro
metric: networkout
Keep others as default and save

Edit Load Balancer
Load balancer Type: Application Load Balancer
Percentage :50 %
Keep others as default and save

Edit Rolling updates and deployments
Deployment policy: Rolling
Percentage :50 %
Keep others as default and save

Edit Security
EC2 key pair: vprofile-bean-key

Step 3: Create Database and App Setup on Beanstalk

Method: Standard Create
Engine Options: MySQL
Engine version: 5.7.34
Templates: Free-Tier
DB Instance Identifier: vprofile-bean-rds
Master username: admin
Password: Auto generate psw
Instance Type: db.t2.micro
No public access
Subnet grp: vprofile-bean-rds-sg
SecGrp: vprofile-bean-rds-sg
Database port: 3306
DB Authentication: Password authentication
Additional Configuration
Initial DB Name: accounts
Keep or add additional configuration according to your preference

- Validate Elastic Beanstalk Environment and Applications Created

Check the Beanstalk environment and Ec2 instances created by the Beanstalk

EC2 Instances created by Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk Environments

Update the Security Group on the instance to only allow traffic from your IP and not from anywhere (
Update the RDS Security Group to allow the Beanstalk instance to connect RDS on 3306

SSH into the Beanstalk instance to deploy the Schema files to the Beanstalk instance

sudo -i,
yum isntall git mysql -y
Clone the source code from repo
cd vprofile-project
git checkout vp-rem
check the properties file in the src directory: ls src/main/resources/db_backup.sql

Login into the database:

mysql -h -u admin -pS0aBROo5fbKJPL6qEJYY accounts

Deploy the resources/db_backup to the database:

mysql -h -u admin -pS0aBROo5fbKJPL6qEJYY accounts < src/main/resources/db_backup.sql

Step 4: Build Artifact locally and Manual Deploy Artifact

Clone the source code from repo to your local system

cd vprofile-project

git checkout vp-rem

Update the file with the correct endpoints and username and password.

This is found in the src/main/resources directory of the source code cloned to your local system.

vim src/main/resources/

cd back to the root directory of the project where the pom.xml file is located.

Run mvn install command to build the artifact.

Copy and move to your desktop home directory for easy upload: cp target/vprofile-v2.war ~/Desktop/

- Next, we need to configure the application environment load balancer.

To do this, navigate to the Elastic Beanstalk service in the AWS console, under the app environment, click Configuration and make changes to the Listener and processes section, and apply them.

Add to Listener HTTPS port 443 with SSL cert
Processes: Health check path : /login
Stickiness policy: enabled

- Upload Artifact to Elastic Beanstalk

Navigate back to the AWS console Elastic Beanstalk, click on the Application versions, and select the Upload button on the top right corner to upload the artifact from your local.

It will automatically upload the artifact to an S3 bucket created by Elastic Beanstalk.

Select the uploaded application and click Deploy.

Click on the endpoint to see the login page. and login integrated

- Next, is to deliver our artifact automatically to Beanstalk

Instead of using GitHub for the version control, we will be using AWS Code Commit which is AWS managed version control service

Step 5: Create CodeCommit Repository

Navigate back to the AWS console, Search for CodeCommit, Click on create Repository

In this project, we will be using SSH to connect to our repository which is the preferred method.

Also, we need to create an IAM user and also create a policy.

On IAM service, click create user

Click on create policy to create policy to allow only access to the repo we created.

choose a service
Search for and select CodeCommit
Resources: specific
repository: add ARN
Region: us-east-1
Repository name: vprofile-code-repo

Give the policy a name

Go to IAM, search for the newly created policy on the attached policy and select the policy and create a user

Generate SSH key from the local system and upload to IAM user

name the key: /c/Users/ikenn/.ssh/vpro-codecommit_rsa
cd ~/.ssh
Copy the public key and upload it to the IAM user

- Next, Create a config file using the SSH Key ID on the user

Host git-codecommit.*
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/vpro-codecommit_rsa

Change the permission of the config file to 600;

chmod 600 config

Authentication over SSH with AWS CodeCommiit

Switch to your repository already cloned on your local system

git branch -a (list all branches)
git checkout master
git branch -a | grep -v HEAD | cut -d ‘/’ -f3 | grep -v master
git branch -a | grep -v HEAD | cut -d ‘/’ -f3 | grep -v master > /tmp/branches
for i in `cat /tmp/branches`; do git checkout $i;done

git remote rm origin (remove remote origin)

- Next, Click on Clone URL on AWS CodeCommit to clone SSH URL

git remote add origin ssh:// (add the AWS CodeCommiit SSH URL)

cat .git/config (validate clone CodeCommit repo)

git push origin — all (push repo to AWS CodeCommit)

Validate all branches are on the AWS CodeCommit repository

Step 6: Code Build with build spec file

Click on the CodeBuild service on the CodeCommiit
Click Create Project and name your name
Source Provider: Repository: select our created repository
Branch: vp-rem
Environment: Managed Image
Operating System: Ubuntu
Runtime: Standard
Image: aws/codebuild/standard:4.0
Environment Type: linux
Build Spec: insert build commands
Swtich to editor
copy and paste the build spec file and update the user, password and rds endpoint with the new information.

Below, is the Build Spec Yaml File used, which is also in the GitHub repo for this project;

Artifact: Type: Amazon S3
bucket name: select an existing bucket on your S3
Logs: Groupname: vprofile-cicd-project
Stream Name: buildlogs

Go back to CodeBuild. Scroll down and click on “Create build project”.

The project will start building

Step 7: Create Pipeline and Deploy

Click Pipeline
create pipeline and name your pipeline
source: Source provider: AWS CodeCommiit
Repository name: vprofile-code-repo
Branch name: vp-rem
Build provider: AWS CodeBuild
Region: Us East (N. virginia)
Project name: vprofile-Build
Depoly provider: AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Application name: vprofile-App
Environment name: vprofileapp-env
click create pipeline

The pipeline is created and the job was triggered immediately

Pipeline was successful and deployed.

Validate the app on the elastic Beanstalk and Verify that the application deployed successfully.

Step 8: Test the endpoint URL and the login page

Login page

App is operational

Finally Clean-up

Ensure to delete all resources created throughout the project to avoid charges.

Thank you for reading. please react and send in your comments and don’t forget to connect with me on LinkedIn HERE .

See you on the next project, Keep learning and practicing.



Ikenna Obijiaku

DevOps | AWS | Docker | Linux | Jenkins | Git | Terraform | GitLab