B2B marketing trends 2023: What every B2B marketer should know

Favour Ikechukwu
11 min readJan 17, 2023


Key Takeaways:

To reach marketing goals in 2023, marketers must adapt to the changing landscape and adopt new strategies. These include focusing on consumer experiences, establishing a strong online presence, leveraging data-driven insights for personalized campaigns, and utilizing storytelling to drive more value and engage audiences.

Additionally, marketers should be prepared to leverage emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality. With an evolved approach, B2B brands can stay ahead of their competition and set themselves up for success.

2022 was a year filled with surprises, and the B2B marketing landscape was no exception.

For B2B Marketers, the previous year brought a lot of new trends and innovations that changed the nature of marketing and advertising - and slowly but surely, these trends that we saw as the passing trend has become an integral part of marketing today.

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2023 is the year of "Challenge and Change," not only for major social media platforms but also for B2B marketers. - this is because of the increasing demand for more personalized and conversational marketing strategies for B2C and B2B.

Although the previous year tested the communication strategies of B2B brands, this trend will be around for a while. B2B companies that wish to stay ahead in their industry must analyze how they communicate with customers on a deeper level and make changes accordingly.

As B2B marketers, our primary aim is to discover means of generating more dialogue and customer connection - so what are the best tactics?

Well, that's the whole point of this article! In the following sections, we'll discuss some of the most promising trends that B2B marketers can look out for this year and beyond; by the end, you'll have a better understanding of how to implement successful B2B marketing strategies in 2023.

In what ways did the world transform in 2022?

Before diving into the topics, let's quickly recap some of the major changes in 2022.

If you're on LinkedIn, these terms may be familiar to you - Quiet quitting, Act your wage, The Great Resignation, Recession fears.

Recent amendments in data regulations and the emergence of new technology have all been game-changers for businesses worldwide.

Nowadays, businesses operate globally, meaning that changes in the business world reverberate across all sectors.

tiktok, social media, social

Companies must no longer settle for simply having an external image that looks great and is in line with their public relations plan; they have to ensure all of their internal operations are running effectively. They also need to utilize various communication methods to reach the right people.

For some time now, we have all watched as B2B communications have changed with the rise of more social media platforms, such as TikTok, Reddit, and Discord.

As Facebook usage diminishes, companies are experimenting with alternative social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter, without changing their current methodologies.

This technique is proving to be increasingly successful, helping businesses discover new ways of reaching a larger portion of their target market.

Over time, this strategy has yielded promising brand growth and engagement across multiple digital channels.

In three years, solely relying on traditional B2B communications will not be enough.

Companies must learn to develop creative and engaging content that encompasses multiple connection methods beyond Facebook. In 2023, there will be countless other social media platforms for businesses to utilize their campaigns on.

For example, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and even chatbots are becoming increasingly popular for marketers in 2023.

Social media-based internet has always been fragmented regarding communication, but with the advent of 2022, this necessity is even more pronounced.

Now more than ever, businesses must establish a presence across multiple platforms and construct an engaged following around their brand – no matter their business type.

If you are a B2B company, it is essential to know that although you are targeting businesses, the people behind these companies are still humans. So all these still apply to B2B marketing as well.

B2B Marketing Trends in 2023

It's the moment we've all been waiting for - what key B2B marketing trends should we focus on in 2023?

Chat OpenAI - ChatGPT is here to stay!

Resistant as they may be, B2B marketers and writers must accept that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay for the long term. AI has been gradually infiltrating our lives recently, but it's now permanently part of our present reality.

One of the most prominent trends we see on the rise is ChatGPT, a software developed by OpenAI that genuinely gives us a glimpse into the future of B2B marketing.

"Microsoft has recently been negotiating to invest a whopping $10 billion into the esteemed OpenAI organization responsible for creating ChatGPT AI chatbot technology. This investment would value OpenAI at an impressive amount of $29 billion, and Microsoft will own 49% of it once everything goes through." - Semafor

With this information in hand, we expect to see more ChatGPT AI chatbot applications in B2B marketing - not only is this going to offer businesses a much higher chance of success, but it's also going to open up the industry to new possibilities.


Many content creators on social media networks are already turning to AI-based applications to generate content quickly and efficiently - you may be surprised that your favorite LinkedIn influencers and YouTube celebrities are using AI too!

Similarly, businesses focusing on B2B marketing will soon be turning to AI to help stay competitive in the industry. To top it off, there will soon be an AI analytics platform, making it easier than ever for marketers to monitor their campaigns' performance.

Customer Experience and Value-Based Branding

What is the most effective way to boost customer retention? How can businesses establish a unique brand that stands out against their competitors?

The answer: Customer experience (CX) and value-based branding.

We have mentioned this before, but it won't hurt to mention it again: customer experience is the new currency.

In 2023, companies will emphasize the customer experience, resulting in more advanced targeting strategies.

feedback, survey, nps

As we move into this new year, experimentation in targeting strategies will be a mainstay.

One example of how companies are taking advantage of these tactics is utilizing predictive analytics and machine learning to evaluate consumer behavior based on past purchases or habitual tendencies.

As this development continues to advance over the upcoming years, I predict that vendors will use increasingly refined tactics to send offers tailored for customers and likely receive positive reactions in return.

More specifically, b2b marketing will become increasingly dedicated to understanding and delivering on customers' wants and needs. Because of this, personalization will remain a fundamental aim for marketers in 2023.

In summary, if businesses want to maintain their competitive edge and build customer loyalty over the next year, they must invest in customer experiences and value-based branding.

Improving the quality of SEO and Content Marketing

Content marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) these two marketing channels go hand in hand like bread and butter.

Google's algorithm changes have made search engine optimization more difficult but, at the same time, much more important.

This year, striving for excellence in content quality and SEO techniques is essential. Companies must now create value-packed material that caters to their target audience, all while adhering to successful search engine optimization (SEO) practices.

By combining search query data and customer feedback, companies can create informative and relevant content for their target audience - the key is to keep it interesting enough so readers will continue to engage with it.

seo, google, search

In addition, businesses will have to stay up to date with the latest SEO tactics to remain competitive and get a higher ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

I predict that in 2023, businesses will become more focused on

honing their SEO and content marketing skills to reach the right people at the right time.

This will involve utilizing analytics-driven insights, such as keyword and competitor research, to produce the most effective campaigns possible.

Over-Reliance on AI content = Wrong

While we have discussed the power of AI-generated content, organic content is still key - AI-generated content isn't going to be the only way for companies to get ahead.

More people are becoming wary of how much technology has been integrated into their lives. Some may not trust AI-generated content as much as real-life professionals - and with Google penalizing AI-generated content, it's important to have a well-crafted strategy.

Marketing channels like Influencer marketing and Paid media(paid ads) will continue to play an important role in the success of B2B marketing in 2023.

Also, companies need to think outside the box and develop more creative solutions for reaching their target audience.

In short, it's important to balance AI tools with a personal touch to ensure that your marketing strategy is effective and long-lasting. It's not just about driving leads; it's also about creating lasting client relationships.

Utilizing voice search in SEO strategies

With the rise of virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri, B2B marketers need to stay ahead of this trend. Voice search is becoming increasingly popular - especially regarding mobile devices - and companies must adapt their marketing strategies accordingly.

One way businesses can do this is by creating content that explicitly states what customers are looking for and answering specific questions customers may have.

Another way is to focus on long-tail keywords, as voice searches use longer phrases than typed searches. Additionally, companies should provide concise answers for them to be read aloud by virtual assistants easily.

Mastering SEO for voice search could be the difference between success and failure in b2b marketing in 2023.

User-Generated Content + Owned Media Assets= Win-Win

It's no secret that video is the peak of content.

A survey from Marketing Profs revealed an increase in companies investing in video for 2023, which grew to 78% from 69% the past year.

This demonstrates just how invaluable and profitable this form of media can be when used correctly.

But the question is, how can companies ensure their content stands out?

Answer: Owned Media Assets and User-Generated Content (UGC).

Owned media assets are content created and owned entirely by a company. This could include videos, blog posts, podcasts, and any other form of media created by the company.

On the other hand, User-Generated Content (UGC) is content created by customers or fans of a company's product or service. This is effective in boosting brand engagement and loyalty.

As we mentioned before, people are more likely to trust content created by real-life professionals than AI-generated content.

This is why companies need to leverage both UGC and Owned Media Assets for maximum success in 2023.

A Look into User-Generated Content

From crafting personal testimonials to leveraging customer personalized experience for marketing campaigns, User-Generated Content has the potential to be an incredibly versatile tool.

UGC is becoming increasingly popular among B2B companies, with 87% of brands using UGC to share authentic content with their customers.

UGC is valuable because it provides customers with a sense of authenticity, as well as an insight into how other people are

using the product or service.

Additionally, it can create a sense of community among customers and potential customers.

Companies should think about ways to reward customers who create content for them, as this can help to create further engagement. This could be done through contests, rewards programs, or even by recognizing and thanking customers for their content.

Reinforce your marketing strategy to weather uncertain economic conditions.

It is no secret that a recession is impending. Unfortunately, B2B companies are no strangers to economic downturns. It is, therefore, essential for marketing strategies now to be flexible and adapt to any situation.

B2B marketers must focus on staying competitive and creating content that offers prospects a unique value. This could include providing guidance, offering helpful resources and advice, or connecting them with the best solutions to their problems.

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Using customer data and insights to tailor marketing campaigns is essential to satisfy customers' needs and create a cohesive customer journey.

Furthermore, exploring opportunities for automation and personalization can help marketers optimize their strategies while saving time; these tools are invaluable for increasing efficiency.

Finally, track all your efforts and use the data to adjust your strategies as needed. Companies can ensure their marketing efforts will remain successful by focusing on staying ahead of changing customer needs and trends.

Virtual Events/Content!

In the wake of the pandemic, virtual events and content became increasingly popular. The need to maintain social distancing led many companies to hold virtual events and digital marketing campaigns.

VR, woman, technology

In 2023, there is no reason to expect that this trend won't continue. Virtual events and digital content are likely to become increasingly important as companies strive for success amidst the changing economic environment.

Virtual events can be used to engage customers and build relationships. They provide a networking platform and allow companies to create content that can reach a much wider audience than traditional events.

Companies should use virtual content to provide valuable information, such as educational podcasts, webinars, and tutorials. These can give customers a better understanding of the company's offerings and how they can benefit from them.

How Virtual Reality could shape the future of B2B Marketing

VR in marketing campaigns is growing rapidly, with many B2B companies already leveraging it to create more immersive experiences.

VR can provide customers with a realistic simulation of products and services, allowing them to get firsthand experience before making a purchase decision.

Furthermore, it can also be used to create interactive environments and simulations that can help customers visualize the potential of a product or service.

Imagine walking a customer through a virtual tour of your company's factory or showing them how they could use their product in the real world with a VR headset.

These experiences will be invaluable to B2B companies in the coming years and help them stand out from their competitors.

Future of B2B Marketing - 2023 and Beyond

The future of B2B marketing is driven by customer success and digital transformation.

Companies should be focused on staying ahead of changing customer needs and trends while using customer data and insights to tailor campaigns.

Virtual events and digital content will also become more important, providing a platform for engaging clients and building relationships.

Finally, using VR can help companies create more immersive experiences that give customers a better understanding of their offerings and how they can benefit them.

By staying competitive and embracing these new technologies, B2B companies can ensure their marketing strategy will be successful in 2023 and beyond.

