Riding the AI Wave: A 2024 Guide to Staying Afloat in the Sea of Tech

3 min readMar 19, 2024


Hey everyone, it’s your friends Eunji here, and I’m all about that AI life. Let me give you the lowdown on how we can keep up with the ever-growing presence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the year 2024. AI has gone from sci-fi to our daily reality, and it’s time we all got on board with the changes.

This image Generative by AI

As a die-hard AI fan, I’ve seen some pretty wild advancements. But with cool new tech comes new challenges and opportunities. Here’s how I’m keeping it 100 with AI:

  1. Educate Yourself: Knowledge is power, fam. I make sure to stay woke about the latest in AI. Whether it’s learning about fresh algorithms, the latest AI apps, or the ethical tea on tech, I’m all in. Keeping tabs on blogs, hitting up conferences, and vibing with online communities keeps me in the loop.
  2. Level Up Unreplaceable Skills: I believe in banking on skills that AI can’t touch. Creativity, critical thinking, and that human touch — they’re pure gold. While AI can handle the grunt work, it can’t replicate our human spark. So I’m all about boosting those skills to stay ahead of the game.
  3. Stay Flex: AI is reshaping our grind and how we connect. I’ve learned to roll with the punches and adapt to new tools and systems. Being flexible and ready to pivot is clutch for thriving in an AI-driven world.
  4. Push for Ethical AI: As an AI enthusiast, I’m big on using AI in the right way. I’m all about championing practices that respect our privacy and human rights. I stan companies and initiatives that are all about transparency and keeping AI in check.
  5. Team Up with AI: I don’t see AI as the enemy — it’s the ultimate sidekick. By teaming up with AI, we can achieve epic stuff. I use AI as a partner in work and life to level up my potential.
  6. Prep for a Future in Flux: AI is unlocking doors to careers and opportunities that didn’t exist before. I’m always on the lookout for ways to ride the wave of new tech and explore how I can contribute to this ever-evolving ecosystem.
  7. Consume AI Mindfully: I choose to engage with AI in a way that’s responsible and sustainable. That means picking products and services that use AI in ways that vibe with my values and thinking about the long-term impact of my tech choices.

Looking ahead to 2024, I believe we all have a role in embracing AI, understanding its potential, and taking the necessary steps to adapt to this increasingly smart world. With the right mindset, we can ensure AI becomes a force for good, helping us navigate towards a future that’s lit and efficient. Let’s harness the power of AI to level up our world.




I'm an AI fanatic keen on sharing my tech savvy with you all. Let's unlock AI's potential together!