IPFS Will Be Used On New Version of TAU Coin

King Master
2 min readAug 10, 2019


With the Internet era entering a phase of maturity and the emergence and development of 5G and AI, the digital economy will enter the era of a real data explosion. In 2018, the US produced data of around 6.9ZB (1ZB is around one trillion GB), while 7.6ZB in China, according to a report from IDC. In 2025, the US is expected to produce 30.6ZB, compared to 48.6Z in China. The total amount of world data will grow from 33ZB in 2018 to 175ZB in 2025, with a CAGR of 61%. “As Internet resources continue to increase exponentially, the weaknesses of the Http Protocol are gradually emerging: irrecoverability, low security, high maintenance costs, and unclear information data ownership. They are seriously hampering the development of the digital economy. “Said one of the leaders of a technology-based company that was not quoted by name here. “Traditional data storage models are difficult to break through bottlenecks. Thus the emerging IPFS distributed storage will occupy the million dollar data storage market. “

The IPFS network is a fast, distributed and easily integrated content distribution network that is compatible for all types of data such as images, video streams, distributed databases, operating systems, etc. In IPFS distributed storage mode, files in IPFS will be stored in blocks, each node will store a portion of the file, and retain the file’s fingerprint, to make it easier for other users to read the file; Users can simultaneously download from hundreds of servers, saving bandwidth while increasing reading efficiency; also, the node uses a mechanism similar to Git to record file modifications and the Mekel Tree to verify file integrity; and Filecoin’s IPFS-based incentives also encourage participants to provide free storage space for the network.

Now TAU that uses the consensus mechanism Proof of Transaction (POT) will use this IPFS technology in the latest version. These TAU features can really show technological progress, the targets set by the TAU team can be truly realised. Just like last year the POT targets and mining via mobile phones were announced, lately it has been enjoyed by TAU miners who only use their mobile phones.

