Total Consensus Strength in TAU Coin Rather Than Proof Of Work (POW)

King Master
1 min readAug 5, 2019


TAU coin as a new coin which has been developed by Proof of Transaction consensus mechanism, it is used “total consensus strength”, TCS, to measure and compare the robustness of security development in a blockchain.

TAU coin team set the definition of TCS shall be:

(total consensus strength) = (number of active miners) X (average mining power)

If the TCS to be shown on the chart then it will show robustness of three types of consensus along with time passing.

Proof-of-work is a permission-less consensus that miners compete on computing power.

The stronger one miner’s computing power, the higher probability it will generate next block. Financial ability to maintain cost on the computing power leads to centralization. Strength of POW is affected by declining miner numbers and the increasing cost of computing power. When the mining community is limited, drop-out of a few miners will cause fall of the strength such as hash rate decrease in the bitcoin bear market. The root cause is the increasing physical cost to maintain power, so that the total strength is fluctuating along the cycle. The unstableness is vulnerable for attack as we have seen in BCH and ETC, when extra hash rate could rented forming 51% power in short time period.

