Are your prospects sabotaging their lives?


Many times, we as business owners have to do more than just shill our products/services.

Sometimes we have to be the instigators of change.

We have to help people become better.

We have to help them get their minds straight on a lot of things.

For Example:

Troy Broussard (google him if you don’t know him) once told a story about a client who came to him asking for help to build a high-ticket coaching programme.

This fellow wanted to charge 25 Gs per person for this programme.

And Troy (who has experience building such high-ticket coaching programmes) charged him 15k to learn how to build such a program but the guy ran away because of the price.

Just look at the cognitive dissonance.

He wants other people to pay 25k to join his program but he is unwilling to pay 15k to learn how to do that.

It simply makes no sense.

And this is how a lot of prospects are.

They don’t see how their mindset is working against them.

Whenever we see such people in our business, it is our duty to NOT sell to them until they have addressed their mindset issues.

We need to call them out on such behaviours and make them take responsibility for their actions first.

Or else they’re just going to self-sabotage and then blame it on your product/ service /coaching.

And this goes on in every niche.

In relationships, you see women saying they want good men, but hang out, and date jerks all day long while ignoring the good men around them.

Same thing in the health niche.

People say they want sustainable results, but then they do all types of crash diets and intense workouts that are not sustainable;e for them.

It is your duty to change their mindset (or at least try) before ever selling to them,

Or they won’t find very much success with your program.

And they’ll just hop from your program to the next like they’ve always done.

As Patrice O’Neal used to say, you have to give them options for thinking differently.

Let them see how ridiculous their behaviour is.

Whether they will change or not, we’ll never know.

But at least you did your part.

If you have a specific marketing or business problem that you need help with, then let’s have a conversation.




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