Make their hearts beat for you


I just got of the phone with someone really close to me and during the course of our conversation, she said this:

“I have never had any issues with blood pressure, but there are some words that just automatically make my heart beat faster. Words like [she then goes on to list examples of such words]

She was saying it from a bad perspective (i.e. she doesn’t want to hear certain words) …

But my marketer-mind could not help to see how it could be applied to sales.

There are certain words that make your prospect’s heart beat faster.

There are words that elicit certain emotions that trigger certain reactions in people.

And we have to consciously use those words in our copy.

But what does this truly mean?

It means that:

“How you say something is more important than what you say”.

E.g. You can say “This bacteria infected a man’s brain” or you can say “Brain-eating bacteria devours a man’s brain”.

Same meaning, different effects.

So from now on, be intentional about using certain words in your copy and content.

Let your prospects’ hearts beat for you.

That said, if you are a health/wellness professional and marketing is something you need help with, then you can check out my book:

“Client Surge”.

It uncovers how health and wellness professionals like you can predictably and consistently get high quality clients who pay top dollar for your services.

The best part? It is absolutely free.

Check it out here:




IKON Media - Marketing for health businesses

We help health And wellness professionals predictably and consistently get premium clients for their services