2 min readJan 25, 2020

January challenge (day 25)

Write yourself a love letter.

Dear Alice Ayeni,

Since the first day i began to be truly conscious of myself, I’ve loved you wholeheartedly.
I’ve accepted you for all the things that you are and all the ones that you’re not.
Over the years I’ve watched you grow and blossom into this beautiful and kindhearted woman. You have given a clear definition to that phrase that says "we don’t look like what we’ve been through".
You’ve struggled and fought silent battles. Some you’ve won and others you let fate decide.
You have stayed true to yourself and enjoyed every bit of it.
You have made decisions in life with the interest of others at heart. You have also made some selfish decisions which you have regretted but learnt from the outcome.

I love who you are today, and i will love who you will become tomorrow even more.
You inspire me everyday.
I look at you and i see a fighter, a lover and a helper.
You make me want to be a better person everyday.

I know they say that nobody is loved unconditionally, and nobody can love unconditionally. They say the concept of unconditional love is nice but unrealistic and impractical, but i truly love you unconditionally. Even if i had a choice, i still will love you the way that i do.

You’re loyal, free spirited, wild, spontaneous and cheerful. All the qualities that make me fall in love with you over and over again. I love how you see life and never tighten the world to your chest.
I love how simple gestures can make you smile. I love how you light up when you love someone, and how you never give up on love even when it deals you a hard blow.

This world is definitely a better place with you in it, and i will give anything anytime to let you be free and happy in this life.

I love you Alice like I’ve never loved anyone else and i wish you only the best of the best in this life and beyond. Stay happy always.

Love always.