Iksha gupta
2 min readAug 6, 2019


Makarasana is derived from the two Sanskrit words — Makar meaning “Crocodile” and asana meaning “Pose”. Makarasana is known as the Crocodile Pose which can be practiced for relaxation and to establish diaphragmatic breathing. This pose is considered as the best practice for diaphragmatic breathing, which is the key to begin any yogic practice.

The crocodile represents precision of motion and agility. “Life began in the waters”. Crocodile thrives and lives mostly in the deep, mysterious realm of swampy water; near its primal source of origins. When it wanders there, it forms a connection with the nature and tunes into these energies of growth from which its life originated millions of years ago. It has inhabited the earth and survived in it with little evolution. The crocodile has acute senses, especially highly developed vision allowing it to see well when it hides underwater at night. Crocodile symbolizes freedom, power, and strength. Crocodiles are very Smart, Silent, Sharp, Still, Steady, Strong, Patience, Self Belief, Have a Long Life Span (80 to 200 years). Crocodile’s inhalation is 1 to 2 breaths per minute whereas the human breaths per minute are 15–16. Due to this the crocodiles have long span of life. Slow and long breaths are the secrete of a healthy life. This allows one to take more oxygen in and in return maximum carbon dioxide to expel out. This process allows one to detoxify the body and as result person can get better health and longevity.

makarasana (crocodile pose)

Powers of Crocodile

Physical Power

Crocodiles symbolise strength, vigour, fierceness, leadership, endurance and Intuition. Crocodiles are the largest reptiles and are mighty creatures of measure about 20 feet in length. Their sense of smell is very sharp and also has an excellent sense of hearing.

