GSoC PMA: Week-8

4 min readAug 7, 2019


Last to last week we had our phase-2 evaluations and with the help of mentors, I successfully passed in the evaluation. For this evaluation, I thank to my mentors Isaac Bennetch, Deven Bansod, Saksham Gupta and William Desportes.

My mentors review was:
“ You’re continuing adequately with the project. You continue to produce code that is consistent with my expectations. In the past week, your communication has improved as we approached the deadline. Remember that regular blog posts are how the community and the group of mentors follows your progress, so stay on top of them, and even if a portion of code is undergoing review, further decision, or hasn’t yet been merged there should be other areas to work on. Keep pushing through and remember that the community has insight to help if you get stuck or need guidance. William and Saksham are both great resources aside from your mentor who are quite interested in the work you’re doing.”

From phase-2, I realized that I was late in posting blogs during the phase-2 coding period and I want to improve over this during the phase-3 coding period. By this way, mentors would have a idea about my progress, challenges I am facing, and how am I approaching the issues.

For the upcoming phase, firstly I have to resolve all the queries(if any) mentors had during the phase-2 evaluation and later on I have to resolve 4 existing issues which I have mentioned in my GSoC proposal(has the possible approach too) too. I will try to keep my last few day free so that I could give the things a final touch wherever needed. Here is the list of the issues to be resolved:
- Designer should remember expanded/collapsed state
- Designer should show tables from other databases by default
- Designer save as enhancement
- Designer page save fails if DB name contains period

In the 1st week of the 3rd phase, I first started with debugging the code written for the issue “Designer should remember expanded/collapsed state” and submitted with this PR. Issue firstly here in this PR was that it wasn’t populating the tables correctly after making changes(mentor Saksham Gupta mentioned this in the comments of the PR, later on I observed the same in the incognito tab where it doesn’t store any cache). For this issue, rather than considering all the tables at firstly, I made changes for one of the table and printed the GET and SET values in the localStorage. The values stored are the same but still it isn’t restoring the, not sure why. I have shared the screenshots and the code(with changes) for the same too at the comment section in the PR created. Also, I would like to suggest to refer to the PR for better insights.

Other than this issue, I started working on one more issue which is “Designer Save as enhancement”. To resolve this, I first inspected the elements which should trigger the changes and get to know their ID’s. After this, I tried to figure out the location where the changes are required to be made(Saksham Gupta’s PR on the same issue from the last year helped me here). After getting an idea about the code that will make it work, I added that code in the move.js file of the designer. I don’t know exactly why it’s not working if I remove one of the alert message(alert(‘yoo1’); in the screenshots available). Screenshots related to the same(look at the description of all the images for details about each step):

After clicking the “Save page as”
After clicking “ok” on the alert message
After clicking the text box
Clicking “ok” on the alert message
Changes(in move.js) due to which above results are reflected

As requested “A Designer enhancement would be in the Save As page: we can automatically toggle the radio button to “Create a page and save it” when the use clicks the bottom text box.” the changes were happening but if we remove the alert(‘yoo1’); line, it’s not working the same way. Not sure exactly why right now.

For the upcoming week, I have to:
- write a blog post
- try to figure out exactly whats the problem here with both of the issues which we are trying to resolve
- Update mentors on a regular basis about the work

