Pen and Paper Pierces Precision to Life

Ila Asthana
2 min readNov 25, 2016


When you have a tech-savvy partner and you are allergic to too much of technology, it is obvious that friction would exist. A few days back my partner was trying to pen down notes for a course, which he is pursuing. After writing two lines, he got back to the online google sheets. In a matter of few minutes, it was obvious, that, he was completely out of touch of using pen and paper for a while. That’s when the whole inconclusive debate about technology meddling our age old habits began.

In our school days, we are always coached to write and practice our curriculum. It was the most annoying method of the philosophy of Teaching and Learning. Knowingly or unknowingly, that habit has been infused in my blood and I have gained the wisdom to appreciate the same. Thanks to my teachers at school, even today, I write down my ideas first, using paper and pen and then on the online documents. The practice of jotting down, which was an easy way out, to the problem of forgetfulness, has gone leaps and bounds.

Today the medium of writing has shifted from hard copy to soft copy which can be accessed, shared and distributed to any number of people, across the world at any point of time. Having said that, there are irrefutable benefits of using a paper and pen. It is a wonderful way of brainstorming the ideas. It adds better clarity of thoughts and infuses the writer to ponder, in different perspectives, about the same subject. It combat’s the writer’s block. Even today, all my blogs and writings are first written on a paper and then online. Paper and pen pierces precision in every aspect of life.

In this digital age, when the technology is blossoming every day, most of us seldom use paper and pen. I might sound a little old fashioned, to say that, even today paper and pen are my best friends. They always listen to my thoughts without any predisposition. The impeccable joy of reading letters from our loved ones cannot be replaced by any digital product. In short, it might be too uncanny for many tech savvy, that, to me, Pen and Paper is Mightier than a Pen Drive.



Ila Asthana

Gold Medalist in Rifle Shooting, Voracious Reader and Writer, Foodie, People Person, Always Hyper Mode turned ON