World Kindness Day — Let’s Do A Random Act of Kindness

Ila Asthana
3 min readNov 13, 2019


On this World Kindness Day, let’s be kind to known and unknown people around us. Kindness costs nothing and gives everything.

Be Kind — Costs Nothing, Gives Everything

This morning, Google calendar, brought a subtle smile on my face, when it popped up that, today is ‘World Kindness Day’. I was like ‘huh’. Do we need to celebrate kindness on a specific day? Shouldn’t it be a part of our society and culture? But, guess, it looks like we got to, as it is fading away. Digging more about the same in Google looks like, on 13th November 1998, World Kindness Day was introduced through a Kindness Movement, through a coalition of the nation’s kindness NGOs. Countries such as Canada, Japan, Australia, Nigeria & United Arab Emirates are a part of this.

The whole purpose to celebrate this day is to highlight the good deeds in the community, focusing on the positive power, and the common thread of kindness that binds us. Being kind costs nothing, but we always take a lot of effort to do that. Being kind to known people is normal, but to unknown people, that’s real kindness. As I was researching deep, I got to read a lot about Random Acts of Kindness. Most of us connect kindness to charity, giving away goodies for no returns, or simple expressions of sharing is caring. But for me, kindness is beyond that.

Known or Unknown Be Kind

Let me tell you a story about a woman. Known her for almost 12 years now, she is my friend’s mother. Just by observation, I would say, she is a real personification of Kindness in my eyes. Her kindness doesn’t involve any money. It involves just a glass of water. Have you ever thought of asking a glass of water to the laundry guy who delivers ironed clothes to your house? Did you know, the plumber might need a glass of water, as he finishes the job? Or the Swiggy delivery guy, who brings delicious food to your plate must be thirsty? She is one person who always offers a glass of water to anyone and everyone who comes into their house. Never an opportunity that she has missed. Known or unknown, it doesn’t matter, no one returns from her space without satisfying the thirst for water.

Isn’t this something very basic that we have forgotten? Her kindness is a gesture of basic human to human respect and concern. Neither social media posts nor WhatsApp status messages, the silent act of kindness is just not a story, rather a personality trait that her children have adapted just by seeing her. I am sure, just like me, there might be hundreds of people who would have got inspired from her, just by looking at her. Even today, I strive to do this in every situation possible. Because this has still not infused with my personality, I need to take conscious effort. I am sure once done, it’s going to be like an act of breathing.

To me being nice and kind to known people is normal. That’s mandatory. Being kind to unknown people is par excellence. The day we all be kind to unknown people, is when we start wearing other shoes and start being considerate no matter how bad our situation is. Being kind doesn’t require anything other than a compassionate heart to help and appreciate others. Your small act of kindness with somebody can bring in a smile and make their day. A simple, ‘Thank You’ or ‘Do you want to have a glass of water?’, or just a smile, can give hope to the person standing on the opposite side of the road. Literally in simple words, ‘Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti’.

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Ila Asthana

Gold Medalist in Rifle Shooting, Voracious Reader and Writer, Foodie, People Person, Always Hyper Mode turned ON