187. Active Inference and Bayesian Mathematics in AI

From Perception to Action: A Probabilistic Approach to Artificial Intelligence

Ilakkuvaselvi (Ilak) Manoharan
7 min readMar 21, 2024
Photo by Owen Beard on Unsplash

The Curious Cat and the Mystery Box: How Active Inference Helps Us Learn

Imagine you’re a curious cat exploring a room full of toys. You see a box — what’s inside? You might sniff it, nudge it, or even bat it around. This is how you use your senses to gather information, a bit like a detective collecting clues!

Active inference is a clever idea in science that’s like the cat and the box. It suggests our brains are constantly trying to understand the world around us, just like the cat is trying to figure out the box.

Here’s where the magic of math comes in. We use a special kind of math called Bayesian to help us make educated guesses. It’s like having a secret decoder ring to translate the clues our senses give us.

Just like the cat might guess there’s a ball in the box based on its size and shape, our brains use past experiences (like seeing round balls before) and what we sense now (the box’s shape) to guess what’s inside.

The cooler part? Active inference isn’t just about guessing. It’s about taking action! The cat might try to open the box to confirm its guess. Similarly, our brains might make us touch, listen, or even taste things to test our theories about the world.

So, next time you’re learning something new, remember the curious cat! Your brain is using a powerful combination of your senses, past experiences, and a bit of math magic to crack the code of the world around you.

Active Inference and Bayesian Mathematics in AI

The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been dominated by deep learning algorithms, but a challenger has emerged: Active Inference (AI). This framework, inspired by neuroscience, utilizes Bayesian mathematics to create intelligent agents that actively engage with their environment. Let’s delve into how these concepts work together in AI architectures and algorithms.

Active Inference: A Probabilistic Dance

Imagine an AI robot tasked with navigating a maze. Unlike traditional deep learning approaches that might passively analyze sensor data, Active Inference takes a proactive stance. It assumes the robot has an internal generative model — a mental map of the world built from past experiences. This model allows the robot to predict sensory inputs it would receive based on its current state and potential actions.

Here’s where Bayesian mathematics comes in. Bayes’ rule, a core principle, allows the robot to update its beliefs (the probability of being in a specific state) based on new sensory data (evidence).

The robot strives to minimize a quantity called “free energy” — a measure of the discrepancy between its predictions and actual observations. By taking actions that minimize free energy, the robot essentially validates or refines its internal model.

Algorithmic Implementation: Planning and Learning

So how does this translate into algorithms? Active Inference uses techniques like Variational Bayes Inference to find the most probable state of the environment that explains the observed data. This allows the robot to:

Planning: Imagine different actions and their predicted sensory consequences. The action that minimizes expected future free energy becomes the chosen course.

Learning: As the robot interacts with the environment, it accumulates data that helps refine its internal model. This continuous learning loop allows the robot to adapt to new situations.

Benefits and Challenges

Active Inference offers several advantages over traditional AI:

Interpretability: We can understand the robot’s decision-making process by analyzing its internal model and free energy calculations.

Efficiency: By focusing on minimizing prediction errors, the robot can learn with less data compared to purely data-driven methods.

However, there are challenges as well:

Computational Complexity: Implementing Active Inference can be computationally expensive, especially for complex environments.

Defining Goals: Specifying the robot’s goals and preferences within the framework can be intricate.

The Future of AI: A More Biological Approach

Active Inference represents a shift towards a more biologically-inspired approach to AI. By incorporating concepts of internal models, Bayesian inference, and active exploration, it paves the way for the development of truly intelligent and adaptable AI agents. As research progresses, overcoming computational limitations and further developing goal specification will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of Active Inference in creating advanced AI systems.

Deep Dive: Active Inference and Bayesian Mathematics

Active Inference (AI) and Bayesian mathematics offer a powerful framework for understanding how intelligent agents, both biological and artificial, learn and interact with the world. Let’s delve deeper into the core concepts:

Active Inference: Building a Mental Map

Imagine a human exploring a new city. We don’t wander aimlessly; we use past experiences (similar city layouts) and sensory information (street signs, landmarks) to build a mental map. This internal model allows us to predict what we might see around the next corner.

Active Inference proposes that brains (and AI agents) function similarly. They possess internal models — probabilistic representations of the world — that predict sensory inputs based on the agent’s current state and potential actions.

These models are constantly refined through a cycle of:

Prediction: The model predicts what sensory data (sight, sound) the agent will experience given its current state (location) and potential actions (walking directions).

Action Selection: The agent chooses the action that minimizes expected future surprise (free energy).

Sensory Feedback: The agent interacts with the environment, receiving actual sensory data.

Model Update: Bayes’ rule is used to update the internal model by comparing predicted and actual sensory information.

Bayesian Mathematics: The Power of Updating Beliefs

Bayes’ rule, a cornerstone of Bayesian mathematics, provides a powerful tool for updating beliefs based on new evidence. In Active Inference, it allows the agent to constantly refine its internal model. Here’s how it works:

Prior Belief: The agent starts with a prior belief about the world state (e.g., a high probability of being on a straight street in a new city).

Likelihood: This is the probability of observing specific sensory data (seeing a familiar landmark) given different world states (being on a specific street).

Posterior Belief: By applying Bayes’ rule, the agent updates its belief about the world state (increased probability of being near the landmark) based on the observed data and its prior belief.

Bayes’ Rule: Updating Beliefs with Evidence

Bayes’ rule, a fundamental principle in probability and statistics, provides a way to update beliefs (posterior probabilities) based on new evidence (likelihood). Here’s the equation and a breakdown of its components:

P(A | B) = ( P(B | A) * P(A) ) / P(B)

P(A | B): This represents the posterior probability of event A occurring, given that event B has already happened. In other words, it’s the probability of A being true after we know B is true.

P(B | A): This is the likelihood of event B occurring, given that event A is true. It tells us how probable B is if we know A is true.

P(A): This represents the prior probability of event A occurring independently of any other event. It’s our initial belief about the probability of A before considering evidence B.

P(B): This is the marginal probability of event B occurring. It represents the overall probability of B happening, regardless of any other event.

Here’s an example to illustrate:

Imagine you have a box of balls, and you know there are some red and some blue balls (prior probabilities). You reach in without looking and pull out a red ball (evidence B). Now, you want to know the probability of the remaining ball being red (event A given B).

P(Red | Red Out): This is what we’re trying to find — the probability of the remaining ball being red after you pulled out a red one.

P(Red Out | Red): This is the likelihood — how likely it is to pull out a red ball if the remaining ball is red (very likely).

P(Red): This is the prior probability of a red ball existing in the box before you drew anything.

P(Red Out): This is the marginal probability of pulling out a red ball, which depends on both the number of red balls and the total number of balls.

By applying Bayes’ rule, you can calculate the updated probability (posterior) of the remaining ball being red after considering the evidence (pulling out a red ball).

Applications of Bayes’ Rule:

Bayes’ rule has a surprisingly wide range of applications across various fields. Here are a few examples:

Machine Learning: Used in spam filtering (classifying emails as spam or not spam based on keywords), medical diagnosis (determining disease probability based on symptoms), and recommender systems (suggesting products based on a user’s purchase history).

Natural Language Processing (NLP): Helps in sentiment analysis (understanding the emotional tone of text) and machine translation (predicting the most likely translation for a word or phrase).

Finance: Used in credit scoring (assessing the probability of a loan default) and fraud detection (identifying unusual financial activity).

Scientific Research: Allows researchers to update their beliefs about a hypothesis based on new experimental data.

Beyond the Equation:

While the equation provides the core calculation, understanding Bayes’ rule intuitively is also important. Here’s an analogy:

Imagine you’re a detective investigating a crime scene. You have some initial hunches about the suspect (prior probability). Then, you find some evidence at the scene (likelihood). Bayes’ rule allows you to update your suspicion level (posterior probability) based on this new evidence.

Limitations to Consider:

Quality of Prior Probability: The accuracy of the final result depends heavily on the quality of the initial belief (prior probability). If the prior is inaccurate, the posterior probability will also be skewed.

Computational Complexity: For complex problems with many variables, calculating Bayes’ rule can become computationally expensive.

Further Exploration:

If you’d like to delve deeper, here are some resources:

Interactive Bayes’ Rule Simulator: (Provides a visual way to understand how different factors affect the outcome)


A gentle introduction to Bayesian statistics: (Provides a historical context and applications beyond AI)


Photo by Gerard Siderius on Unsplash

