Reasons to prove why Italian food is so popular

il boro tuscan
3 min readJul 27, 2018

Italian cuisine serves not just as a perfect appetizer but also dessert. There are innumerable varieties and options to choose from. This cuisine has its own different version in each country and hence has immensely popularity. Read our blog below to find out why Italian cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world.

1. Home cooked food

Italian recipes cooked by the chefs are targeted and prepared as home-cooked foods, owing to the ingredients added. The food is also cooked under high safety standards and rules. The amount of pesticides or chemicals used in Italian food is far less as compared to the other cuisines and hence, it is anytime a more healthy option.

2. Quality

The food is very famous and known for its quality and the ingredients used. Not just this entire cooking system is of high standards and high quality products.

3. Effortlessness

Cooking Italian food is a much simple task, since the ingredients used are extremely common and can be found easily in the super market. It can also be prepared with minimum ingredients like tomatoes, bread, cheese and some olive oil.

4. Healthy

Did you know that the Mediterranean diet is indeed associated from Italy? This healthy diet is very helpful in keeping various health ailments like heart attack at bay. For this reason, Italian food is all the more healthy and a good option to choose from a restaurant menu.

5. Delicious

A single Italian cuisine can be deliciously cooked in a different variety. Even a simple salad with fresh veggies, tossed in some olive oil and balsamic vinegar can taste absolutely scrumptious.

6. Fantasy

Besides the great and fresh ingredients used in preparing an Italian dish, Italian food can also have its own innovative version. You can actually prepare your own innovative version of the leftover food.

7. Cooks swiftly

Authentic Italian food is a favourite cuisine of most tourists and many tourists visiting Dubai prefer eating Italian meals. Some of the famous Italian dishes include meat, sandwiches, bruschetta and pastas which are both scrumptious and easy to make.

8. Affordable ingredients

The ingredients used in preparing Italian dishes are very much affordable and hence you can create your own version of the dish. You can either make it sweet or add sauce to make it spicy. Not just this, both vegetarians and non-vegetarians can enjoy Tuscan cuisine or Italian cuisine as it has its own yummy version for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

9. Variety

This cuisine offers a wide range of variety for you to choose from. Be it a pasta, bruschetta or a pizza there are so many options, different ingredients, sauces, veggies and even to choose from. Hence, this cuisine is loved by all, be it children or adults.

If you live in Dubai or are planning to visit Dubai soon & wondering where to eat in Dubai, learn about the best Italian restaurant in Dubai here.

